https://youtube/watch?v=_z2nmCGGtDY We had our doubt but we had - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=_z2nmCGGtDY We had our doubt but we had to try. Today Dillon failed his test to be able to become a herd member of the main herd at the Triple O. We knew there was a distinct possibility that being an ex-herd stallion he would be break the rules for joining a large herd. This is a study in the herd dynamic at its best. Dillon did not observe and wait as is the best case scenario to join the herd. If you mind your own business and explore the territory, many times the herd will close ranks, stay close to each other and as long as you dont approach them, theyll ignore you. On 132 acres, theres plenty of elbow space and its not necessary for the horses to bunch up unless they feel threatened. Its been almost 17 months since Dillon has been with the rest of the Lucky 19 (21) so he didnt waste anytime running right up to all of them. Thor is their leader now and Dillon is his former arch-enemy. The fight picked right back up where it left off except now they arent starved and weak. They are strong and feeling their oats. We trailed Dillon from the barnyard gate on but obviously couldnt keep up. The fighting was instantaneously and chaotic. By time I reached them most of the rearing, kicking, biting and spinning around was over. The the running began in earnest. Dillon cut three cute girls out of the herd, Mariah, Cheyenne and Gypsy to start his own band but they were not very cooperative. He tried and tried to take charge of the situation but its rough out there. Later he tried to take over a young band of five. The didnt fight back but they took him on quite a ride as they ran and kept running from him until everyone was hot and sweaty. Some of the herd continued to graze and others stood under the oaks to watch the rodeo. Several came up to me for reassurance during the intense pressure suddenly blasted on the usually peaceful herd in our valley. You want to intervene but if you want it to work out you have to let them work it out but in this case we knew it wouldnt. Dillon didnt make the grade. He can not be a member of the main herd at the Triple O. The herd is too big and so is his desire to be the herd leader but its not just one herd anymore. There are sub herds now (several of them actually) They are all interconnect but can operate independently but yet join forces when necessary. In times of trouble all is forgiven in this big extended family. Interesting to note: the only altercations among all the entire herd members occurred between Dillon and his original herd mate with the exception of Hercules who believes he is one of the Lucky 19 (21) but in reality isnt. None of the Triple O horses unrelated to The Luckys herd was involved in the high drama. Also note that the one that was doing all the chasing was Dillon but yet among the herd, only Merlin the Magnificent Mystical Mule chased Dillon. Merlin is the New Kid on the Block in the pasture this is how he greets the newbie Dillon on his first day on the job. Containing this kind of drama is iffy at best. It was nerve wracking and exhausting but we retrieve Dillon and returned him to his nice safe stall and went about damage control, The tally goes like this Dillon + Thor + Hercules + Jericho + Justice + Merlin all with minor cuts/scrapes/kicks/bites Iris has a fair size gash in her flank but will be okay. We witnessed it happen like this Dillon and Thor were fighting, kicking, rearing, biting and Thor was getting the worst end of it and Iris stepped in to defend him when Dillon spinned around and kicked her. Wound care has been done. All the excitement has subsided and peace has returned to our valley. As as kid, I observed equine behavior and have always been fascinated by the herd dynamic. In a herd of 2-6 its very interesting....observing the herd dynamic of a herd of thirty is a mind-boggling thing :)
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 21:22:51 +0000

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