https://youtube/watch?v=o9jx4xE2pgY Hitchens was an incredibly - TopicsExpress


https://youtube/watch?v=o9jx4xE2pgY Hitchens was an incredibly astute individual, and was filled with amazing courage for speaking of what he truly believed, regardless of how poorly received his opinions would inevitably have been. He is not clever for predicting the current attempts by ISIS etc to establish the Caliphate, because that relates to an ancient Prophecy and has been a goal of the Sunnah for as long as any of them could remember. I also never agreed with everything he said, for example, that water boarding is legitimate torture and should be recognised as such. But he was a brilliant mind indeed and the way in which he presents his case should be watched closely by those who desire to awaken the ignorant West of the threat they face... the threat that has such a strong foothold in Europe that there could potentially be no remedy short of bringing the entire collective of Nations into social turmoil, by launching inter-city urban warfare. Because of the opposition the suicidal Left affords us, there has to be two simultaneous approaches to combating the terrifying future that sees Australia share the fate of France, Sweden etc. 1. Sensible, rational and reasonable discussions, reaching the ears of the ignorant strategically, as to obtain careful consideration from them. Reach their ears via the usual means- social networking, youtube, fliers, bulk emails, even the incredibly annoying and embarrassing rallies (I suppose). This is difficult when the Left put everything into humiliating Anti-Islam activists, discrediting them and mutating the actual message of those advocates into something the main stream wouldnt connect with, e.g. Nazism, racism, discrimination. They pose as anti-islam activists (both identity theft and non-existent people) and are purposely extreme and foolish, to leave a bad taste in the mouth of the average Joe where anti-Islam advocacy is concerned. REAL anti-Islam advocates that are losers, gronks, westies and dickheads carrying on like idiots also score goals for the Left, who ultimately want to rid the world of anything non-ethnic. 2. Make the lives of prominent lefties a living hell. Hassle them at every turn. Who are they, what are they, where are they.. make them miserable, make everyone who is fond of them miserable. Im not saying bash them and cut their throats, Im saying give them the spotlight they so desire. Picket their place of business, their homes. Do what they do to Max Brenners or any conservative politician. Ruin their cunting lives because the fact is, they are not doing anything different. 3. Cannot be discussed in a public setting, but is just as vital. The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 10:45:10 +0000

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