hv been sitting on the fence about the upcoming referendum... as - TopicsExpress


hv been sitting on the fence about the upcoming referendum... as an ancient person, raised as a service brat, with an Irish father and Scots mother, both of whom lived abroad, Ive a Scots daughter, so hopefully have seen enough to have an opinion. Am absolutely terrified now that a laudable idea, self-determination for the Scots Nation, is going to be the biggest mistake possible. No country guides their own future, sadly. Its down to market forces, and to think that being a tiny fish in the massive pond of Europe........... I dont get it. If the representatives werent such unpleasant people, Id vote UKIP. Please, there has to be a better reason to turn your back on your closest relatives than getting a better price for your stuff. Currently, countries whose workers slave (and die) for pennies are getting the best deals. Being insomniac, the radio chatters in my ear thru the night, and last night there were Scots ex-servicemen, incandescent with rage, who had served this country (Great Britain, the United Kingdom) with English, Welsh, Gurkha, Irish, Cornish and a great many other brothers, under one flag. The threats we face are now so horrible, and inside the gates. To break up whatever defences are in place.... what a concept... breathtaking. Border security, where will that be if Scotland divides? Will there be a Scottish Air Force and Navy. Sorry to say, but I breathed a sigh of relief when it was announced that the United States (United - yes) started air strikes against the new Islamic State that is creeping across Syria and Iraq. This rant is only the top of whats going on in my head, but Im turning into a crazy person.... Off to get some coffee and get my head together, and hopefully the stock market, which governs us all, will not have another dreadful day at the prospect of Scotland cutting itself loose. People are just people, we all need each other, particularly our neighbours. I remember vividly what went on in Ireland, that was my home during a lot of the horrors there.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 08:34:38 +0000

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