i dont now if anyone will take the time to read it all but heres a - TopicsExpress


i dont now if anyone will take the time to read it all but heres a little story i wrote last year... never really got to finish it just shortened it to make a ending -FallenAngel- Sarah’s Worst Pain My name is Sarah Beth. Im just a normal everyday kid, but I suffer from major depression. But it all changed in the 12th grade when I moved to a school in the middle of nowhere when my dad got a new job. A small town called Harlot, California. Moving was nothing since I had moved thirteen times before. But this time was different I could tell as soon as I arrived in Harlot. I never really fitted in with anyone, always kept to my self. I was quite most of the time. Ever since I can remember I was bullied. I was called emo, loser, all sorts of things. They made fun of me because I was bi. So I decided to keep my distance from society. Since all it did was bring me down to a point where I cant pick my self up. But when im alone im loud, happy, and well just a normal kid. When im by my self I usually listen to music and sing aloud to the lyrics. I love to explore and am always outside finding somewhere knew to go. “Time for school,” I heard coming from my mom down stairs. Ugh I really didn’t want to go, especially being the new kid and all. Nobody likes the new kid. But I had to go. A grabbed my Black Veil Brides backpack out of the closet and slowly walked my way to school. By the time I got their the first bell had already rang. But I didn’t care, I just wanted the day to be over so I could go listen to music. I reached into my pocket to get my schedule, but before I could the principle tapped on my shoulder. “What the!” I screamed as I jumped. “Who are you?” I asked. “Im Mr. Shadow, the principle” and you are? I, im Sarah Beth, im new to this school, I don’t know where to go. Where is the senor class at? “Its down the hall and to the right first door on the left. Now hurry on don’t be later then you have to be .” Okay I wont, as I walked away putting my head down and walking. When I got to the class the teacher stopped writing on the board and said, “oh you must be Sarah, welcome, everyone this is our new student I was talking about her names is Sarah. Let give Sarah a warm welcoming hello.” “Hello Sarah,” said the other kids while some giggled. “My name is Mrs. Jenny have a seat where ever you like.” I walked all the way to the back corner and sat down putting my bag around the seat. The teacher went on about some English thing, but I wasn’t paying attention. I was too busy doodling on the table. I was drawing a dark and rabid bunny with a gun blowing out his brains when the bell for lunch rang. I haven’t eaten in a few days but still didn’t want to. I went and sat down at a table under a few shady trees and took my doodling notebook out and started drawing. Before I could put my head phones in my ears a girl walked up to my table and sat down. I looked at her then looked down at the table real quick thinking this had to be a joke of some sort, nobody talks to me. “Hello your Sarah, right? My names Nikki nice to meet you. Well aren’t you going to say hi.” as she smiled. She had the cutest smile of anyone I had ever seen. I looked up with a slight smile and giggle and said hi. We talked the whole recess about all kinds of random stuff. The bell rang and we walked to our lockers, it was like destine our lockers were right next to each others. We walked to our separate classes waving bye. But before I said bye she slipped a piece of paper in my pocket of my hoodie. When I sat down I quickly reached for the note to read it. It read “ 760-733 4572, call me tonight your really fun.” I sat their smiling cause I had a great reason too. All I could think about the whole day was when the bell to go home was going to ring it felt like eternity. When it finally rang I got up as quick as a bullet loading into a gun chamber. I ran home as fast as a could and jumped on my bed screaming and smiling. My mom came into my room and said “what’s wrong sweaty did you have a rough time at school.” I smiled and giggled looking up at her and said “nothing is wrong im just really happy I had a great time, best time of my life today.” she walked out of the room and I quickly grabbed my phone. But when I went to dial the number my fingers froze in place. I was so nervous, I dialed the number a few times but quickly hung up before she could answer. After a few minutes of calming myself down I finally got the nerves to call her and not hang up. Nikki answered softly saying “hello.” ‘Itss, its me Sarah.” “Hey!! I was wondering when you were going to call me, I didn’t think you were going to. I thought you were going to forget. We talked for hours and right before we were going to hang up I quickly asked her a question. “ Hey Nikki, um are you bu, bu, bi.” She laughed and said “ yeah but nobody knows, please don’t tell anyone.” I told her I wouldn’t tell anyone. “I was just asking cause I am, and I think your really cute” “You do??!!” she giggled with the cutest giggle and said thanks your not bad looking yourself.” We ended the call at about 11 o’clock at night. I was kind of tired and slowly drifted asleep while listing to the song Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides. I woke up supper early so I could find a nice outfit to show off to Nikki. But all I had was skinny jeans and band shirts. So I put on my newest clothes. My brand new purple converse, black skinny jeans, and Pierce the Veil shirt. I decided to ride the bus so I wouldn’t be late to school today. When I arrived I went and sat at the same table where I met Nikki. I looked up quickly and saw her walking off the second bus. “WOW!!” I said to myself when my eyes laid upon her. She was wearing a purple and black skirt with a butterfly shirt. Her hair was in curls and she looked so adorable. When she walked up to me she said “take a pic it will last longer” while she giggled. I laughed and said “you look so gorgeous today.” She blushed and smiled and I noticed she had dimples for the first time. “I didn’t know you had dimples.” she quickly covered up her face and said I don’t. I smiled and said “yeah you do, their really cute, let me see them.” “No I don’t have dimples, I don’t know what your talking about.” “pewees” I said as I begged and asked her. After a few minutes of begging she slowly moved her hands from her cheeks and smiled. I told her she was crazy for hiding her beauty, and that her dimples were cute. The bell rang and we walked to our lockers. This time I was the one giving her a note. I gave her a note saying “meet me after school at the table.” class was boring like every other day, teachers trying to teach us stuff where never going to use in life. What’s the point of school, I thought I had said it to myself but the teacher said excuse me what was that Sarah did you have a question. I looked up at her and the other student looking at me and said “ yeah what’s the point of school. All you teachers do is teach us boring stuff that we are never going to use in our life’s. Why cant you just teach us stuff that were going to use like basic Math, basic English, and a little history and science.” She had nothing to say to my question, all she said was take your seat and please don’t interrupt my class again or you will be sent to the office. I spent the rest of the period drawing in my notebook. Right before the bell rang for recess Mrs. Jenny took my notebook away and said ’ their shall be no doodling while I am teaching, you will get this back at the end of the semester.” “ You cant take that, give it back it has all my notes in it” as I pleaded. She turned around and said “drawing stupid little doodles in my class wasting my time is not righting notes” as she looked like she was about to explode and send me to the office. thank god the bell rang as she was about to say it. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the class. Sitting at the table I felt sad. I wanted to scream, and just as I looked up Nikki was their smiling till she saw my face. “What’s wrong?” She asked me. “Nothing!” I said and looked down. “Don’t lie to me” as she put her hand on my chin and made me look up and tell her. “Mrs. Jenny took my drawing notebook, that notebook is my life basically.” she looked at me with her cute little smile and said “don’t worry you will get it back I promise.” we walked out towards the woods after school. “Where are we going?” Nikki asked. “To my secret spot I always go here when I want to listen to music or just get away from life for a little” I said. We walked up to a huge tree. It looked like somebody had took some wood and built a ladder up to the top. They put a piece down and nailed it so you could sit on it. I climbed up halfway and looked down while Nikki was still on the ground. “Why aren’t you coming up?” I asked. “I, I , I’m scared of heights” Nikki said looking frightened. “don’t worry I wont let anything happen to you I promise, here take my hand” as I reached my hand out to her. She reached for it slowly and cautious. But I guess she trusted me as she started climbing slowly. When we reached the top and sat down, she quickly griped my arm in terror. I turned to her and told her I needed to ask her a question. “I really like you Nikki and your so cute and adorable, would you make me happiest girl and be my girlfriend.” she looked at me and blushed, “yes.” I looked at her and she looked at me as we slowly an gently glared into another’s eyes. She was still holding on to my arm but looked away quickly and so did I. we both sat their blushing. We looked at each other again and I slowly leaned towards her. With my free hand I gently placed it on her neck and reached in and softly kissed her. She let go of my arm and placed her arms on my shoulder. The kiss only lasted about 3 or 4 seconds but it felt like years. It felt like fire works had gone off and the butterflies on my shirt were now in my stomach. She then moved closer to me and I put my arms around her. We laid down and stared at the stars. For once I felt like I was on top of the world. I felt like I was invincible and my love for her was bullet proof. She fell asleep in my arms and I gently put my jacket around her. We laid their all night. When we awoke she quickly asked what time it was I looked at my phone and said “7: 15.” “omg, im going to be late, so late.” “late for what” I said. “Me and my mom are going to town today” she said upset. I helped her down the tree and gave her a quick kiss and she ran to her house looking back quickly waving I smiled and waved back. “now what am I supposed to do all day” I said to myself. But I couldn’t stop thinking of last night it was the best time of my life. I walked home only to fall asleep again. My alarm went off me thinking it was a school day, in reality it was Sunday. I got all dressed up and went down stairs for breakfast. My mom was sitting in front of the TV. “what are you doing home aren’t you supposed to be at work?” “ its Sunday dear” she sat their laughing. Ughh I could still be asleep. I walked outside squinting from the suns brightness. I decided to go visit Nikki. A lady answered the door, I guessed it was her mom. “hello, how can I help you?” she said. “hello is Nikki home, can she come outside?” she answered saying “ im sorry Nikki is in the hospital, you must be Sarah, your all she ever talks about everyday.” “ she’s in the hospital?!?!” I asked almost crying. “ what happened. Is she okay?” “she’s fine she’s just their getting her kemo done, she goes every Saturday.” her mom said. “kemo isn’t that medicine for people with cancer” I asked stuttering most of the words. “yes, Nikki has cancer, she didn’t tell you?” I quickly started running, I just kept running not slowing down till I got to the hospital. I ran inside and found the counter. I asked the nurse where Nikki’s room was, she told me room 101. I ran pushing people out of my way till I got to the room. I walked into the doorway with tears in my eyes. Slowly Nikki looked up at me then tears slowly started falling down her eyes and she looked down. “Why didn’t you tell me” I asked wiping the tears from her eyes with my hand then wiping mine. “ I thought if you knew you wouldn’t like me any more. That you would think its contagious or something. And not be my friend anymore.” Nikki said starting to cry again. “why would I do that” I said softly I will never leave your side, im here to stay, I love you!!” Nikki quickly looked up at me and told me she loved me too. I hugged her not wanting to let go. We sat their till the nurse came in told us the doctor wanted to tell her something and then we could leave. We waited about 30 more minutes till the doctor came in. “ were glad to tell you that the cancer tumor is all gone, it seems like the kemo has worked, congratulations. Were still going to need you once a month to make sure the cancer doesn’t come back.” me and Nikki jumped up hugging each other. Nikki started crying in joy. I soon started after seeing her. We walked outside walking though the woods. Nikki skipped ahead of me and I watched as she skipped so adorably. We then sat down at a bench and Nikki ran and jumped on my lap. She looked at me and kissed me softly but longer then our first. She sat on my lap while I hugged her from behind. We were sitting their thinking we were the cutest couple ever. A few months had passed by, me and Nikki were still happily together. But we were married. She had proposed to me about a month ago. I said yes of coarse. And we were married a few weeks later. We were living in a apartment together. But one day when we where walking her leg started to hurt. So we sat down at a bench and I looked at her leg it seemed all good except their was a lump on her leg that had not been their before. We shrugged it off as if it was just a bug bite or something. A week later the bug bite had gotten bigger. I tried to convince her to go to the doctor but she refused. So one day I dragged her to the car and drove her to the doctor. We waited in the waiting room for about an hour until we could be seen. The doctors took cat scans of her leg and it turned out that her cancer had returned, but it was worse then it had ever been. Nikki and I started crying but Nikki stopped and said “don’t worry we will do the kemo again and it will all go away.” I smiled and said “yes, and I will be by your side through it all.” a few weeks passed by and everything seemed to be going great, until one day when I came home from work. I looked at the message machine on the phone and we had a message. I put it on and it was the doctor, he said “ we are very sorry to hear and tell you Nikki that you only have a few weeks to live, we will not stop until the end. We are very sorry.” I dropped to the floor with tears running down my eyes I screamed “NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” just as Nikki was entering the door. She dropped the groceries she was caring and ran over to me. She kept asking “what’s wrong,” but I was too weak to tell her I just sat their on the floor with her hugging me. I finally told her and she too started to cry. But I stopped crying and sat next to her and rapped my arms around her. I told her im still never going to leave you, I will always be with you till the end. I wont love anyone like I love you. I will slowly die. We will be together again soon. “I LOVE YOU!!!!!” and I kissed her for the last time. Its been almost a year since Nikki passed away. Its been hard, its been terror. I cant wait till the day we will be together again. I haven’t talked since her funeral. I still don’t know if or when I will again but it probably wont be till I meet her up in heaven, she was and still is the love of my life.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:30:58 +0000

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