i find the works of J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm thoroughly - TopicsExpress


i find the works of J. Krishnamurti and David Bohm thoroughly enjoyable. J. Krishnamurti: The memory of experiences, hurts, attachments, the whole of it. Now can that come to an end? Of course it can. This is the point: it can come to an end when the very perception asks, what is it? What is hurt? What is psychological damage? The perception of it is the ending of it. Not carrying it over, which is time. The very ending of it is the ending of time. I think that is clear. `X is hurt, wounded from childhood. And he, by listening, talking, discussing, realizes that the continuation of the hurt is time. And to find out the ground, time must end. So he says, can my hurt end instantly, immediately? David Bohm: Yes, I think there are some steps in that. You say, he finds that hurt is time, but the immediate experience of it is that it exists on its own.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 12:06:37 +0000

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