i forgot where i left off so im just gonna continue from here - TopicsExpress


i forgot where i left off so im just gonna continue from here You know this crazy chick? asked one of my classmates more or less i replied back dude she looks something from a video game or a movie but nevertheless dat costume is badass xD exclaimed one of my classmates The Mysterious girl then fired a shot at the ceiling blowing a massive hole in it holy shit thats a real gun!!! one of my classmates shouted AHHHH!!!! screamed the class as they began fleeing from the classroom Good,at least now were alone and i have your attention... My name is Alice,The Seraph of Destruction,Also known as the Relentless Bounty Hunter and I hereby Challenge you to a Duel.. Dovahkiin or should i say The Last Dovahkiin she said with a grin. Nope I replied in an instant as I turned my attention back to my math book ....=.= im afraid you dont really have a choice in that matter either way youre still gonna have to fight me if you wanna stay alive that is..Im just giving you a last few seconds to fight for your life before I completely take it away from you She replied back with an even more sinister grin. Go bother someone else youre annoying I replied back with a bored tone. Didnt i say you had no choice? you just wasted the last few precious seconds of your life cause it will all be over before you even know it..She Exclaimed proudly as she her finger tightened on the trigger of her musket. Bang! Bang! she fired two rounds in rapid succession from her Musket at point blank range .With a grin she expected a short and easy victory but as the smoke cleared there was not a scratch on me neither was there any harm done to my table oh hey ya missed didnt cha xD.. lookie im still here doing my homework.. youre not too good at this are you xP i mocked her with a short laugh as i continued solving my math questions. Huh? but didnt I just fire my musket at point blank range directly at his face?? howd i miss?? not even his table was damaged did i miscalculate anything? no.. impossible he shouldnt even be fast enough to dodge much less deflect my bullets. Also my musket has enough firepower to blast open multiple fortress walls theres just no way hed escape unharmed like this cause even if he did have the reaction speed and strength to stop one of my bullets at least the other one should have hit him or his table.. and the wall behind him should have been blown to bits from the force too she thought to herself. hmmph so you managed to block two of my shots eh... well no matter lets see how you handle a barrage of them from every direction!!!.. take this.. Seraphs Embrace!!!! she said to me as she pulled out another musket from her sleeve and began darting around the room firing shots at me at me at impossible speeds from almost every angle. Very soon gunpowder,explosions and lots of smoke began enveloping the whole classroom AHAHAHAHAHAHA She Maniacally laughed as she continued her frenzy of shots precisely aimed at me from every direction..and for the main event... She Exclaimed Proudly as she leaped above me at a 90 degree angle and combined both her muskets together into a quadra barreled shotgun I call this The Behemoths Rampage!! She exclaimed as she fired a her massive quadra barreled shotgun directly above me unleashing 4 massive five ton shells at me. Its Over she whispered gently as the 4 shells penetrate through the smoke and cause a massive explosion that levels the entire school Whats over? Break time? xD? I said to her while leaning against a tree with my table just beside me. When did you? how? you should have been blown to smithereens!!! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU JUST DIE ALREADY!! good lord and I even prepared an Epic funeral for you >:c! She Exclaimed in frustration as she stomped her left foot on the ground. LOL thanks! I mocked her while laughing uncontrollably so whats next an EPIC selfie?? maybe an EPIC birthday card xD ooh ooh I know how bout an EPIC FAIL XDD. I continued laughing as I fell off my chair. tch.. you should take this more seriously.. YOUR DAMN LIFE IS ON THE LINE YOU DOUCHEBAG >:c she replied in anger Fine if gunshots dont work on you then Ill just have to smack you so hard that youll SHUT UP even in the afterlife! She exclaimed in anger as her Huge four barreled shotgun began transforming into a Scythe. hahaha cool you got a scythe so what you up to now.. gonna harvest rice?? maybe some corn xD. I continued ROFLING(rolling on floor laughing) CORN IS NOT GROWN IN MALAYSIA YOU IDIOT!!! She Screamed in anger and dashed towards me so fast it was as if she teleported and began swinging her spinning her scythe like a deadly whirlwind. Hahahaha no thanks dont need a shave I said while holding my math book as I dodged when she smashed her scythe downwards which just barely grazed eyebrows Grrrr!! She groaned as she changed the direction of her swing unleashing a violent uppercut which missed me but seemingly cut off a few of my white hairs on the side of my head now that was a HAIRY situation xD I replied Never in my life has anyone pissed me off so much!!! just the sound of his voice makes me wanna Lob his head off!! She thought to herself while desperately trying to land a hit on me. Whoa there no need to rush xD a little too early to be aiming down there dont cha think xP? I said as she changed the direction of her swings towards my lower body Just Stand... STILL!!!! She screamed out loud as she swung her scythe as hard as she could at me causing a massive shockwave that tore through a few trees and seven buildings hah..hah..hah.. I think i got him.. she confidently said to herself nope that was a tree i taunted her as i sat on the blade of her scythe while holding my math book Why..Why... Why cant i hit you!!! She roared in frustration. maybe cause im a ninja I said as I smiled back at her She then began frantically trying to shake me off her scythe by swinging it into buildings destroying a few public toilets and telephones in the process Lol wow you really should not destroy public property its kinda mean ya know what if that certain someone wants to use the toilet but you blew it up? i just feel sad for him man he probs walked real far too I told her as i continued dodging her attacks while holding my math book Cant you do anything but keep dodging and running around like a damn coward?!?!?!? fight back already you cowardly brat with no balls!! she mocked me in frustration As you wish I said as i stood still come i wont dodge anymore I wont even move my toes >:D I taunted her Hah so you finally realized the Futility of your running and accepted your fate huh?! NOW DIE!! She maniacally replied to me and leaped towards me for a finishing blow She then began spinning her scythe like a whirlwind destroying everything in her path and leaving a trail of destruction that was headed towards me but just before it hit me I pulled out my 2B pencil and stopped her in her tracks Not so tough now are you? i said to her with my 2B pencil directly at the tip of her scythe He.. Stopped me? with just the tip of his pencil??!? Guhh!! this doesnt make any sense!! hes just a normal everyday student..even his power level doesnt seem very special either. its pretty much just like any other average human..impossible I cant believe this!!she frustratingly shouted at me lol as if power levels even meant anything at all I said as i flicked my pencil the force of it tearing down an entire stadium causing the wind in the air to split and force a massive jet of air, bringing down a few other buildings as well in its path. It also sent her flying a couple thousand meters away, shattering her scythe in the process my.. my scythe... T^T she began sulking while badly injured when she landed into a nearby abandoned warehouse Oops!! i think i overdid it better go apologize i said while i teleported towards her location accidently dropping my math book. huu..huuu..T^T I lost..and hes gonna kill me and destroy my whole village too..I dont wanna die T^T someone.. save me...somebody help hes a monster... She continued sobbing hey wait wait wait wait wait who ever said I was gonna kill you!! o.o yes i overdid it but i am no murderer I promise!! DX I began desperately trying to apologize to her b..but.. you broke my scythe DX She said as she bursted into tears im very very sorry can you please stop crying now here ill even repair it for you Restoration level 1.. I apologized as i snapped my fingers and pieces of her scythe began fusing together healing her as well. she then slowly approached her scythe and picked it up Hah wrong move... I cant believe you fell for that rule 1 never give your enemies a chance to regain their strength or it might just cost you your life >:D she threatened me as she quickly aimed her scythe at my neck lol xD says someone who cant even hurt my 2B pencil I jokingly laughed at her threats ...you only got lucky..I was well.. Holding back!! thats right I was holding back but im serious now and youre going down >:c she said while thinking of a threat to throw at me yup..whatever i replied back Eat this!! She yelled at me this time instead of swinging her scythe she fired a bullet from the rear end of it mmm delicious xD but i dont really like seeds in my candy I said as i caught the bullet with my mouth and spat it out eww... dont do that those bullets cost me a fortune! She said to me as she tried to slash my throat at point blank range I must be really worth it then xD thanks for wasting them me I taunted her again hmmph dont get me wrong you arent even worth my time heck youre so worthless even the thought of you being born was a total waste of time! she yelled at me while wildly swinging her scythe lol...... i replied as i continued dodging her attacks whats the matter!?!? ran out of jokes? you empty-headed piece of useless toilet paper!! she angrily yelled at me as I continuously dodged her attacks enough of this!!! she screamed as she began spinning her scythe wildly in hopes of hitting me the violent swings from her scythe caused massive shock waves that were completely obliterating rocks and disintegrating trees. haa...haaa....ugh... she said as she finally started running outta energy hahahaha cool!! youre the best human-sized sharpener ive ever met xD seriously never in my life have i ever gotten a pencil this sharp before xD you truly have one of a kind sharpening skills xD i praised her as my pencil was sharpened from the result of her relentless assaults stop... Mocking me you little prick! She angrily replied back at me aww seems its getting late sorry id seriously love to stay and chat but i gotta end this quick and get back home before 2:00 i told her as i started walking towards the exit of the abandoned warehouse you think you can just get away after being targeted by me? The Seraph of Destruction?!?!, I am called the Relentless bounty hunter for a reason you know! cause no matter who i hunted they will always fall prey to me and even if they escape i will find them and eventually hunt them down!!! no matter how long it took!!!! you can never get rid of me I AM be the best Bounty hunter I have never failed and I wont let my reputation go to ruin today because of some dumbass brat like you!! she said in a fit of rage ooo we got a badass over here X3 I jokingly replied Come then show you why they call me the Last Dovahkiin I said as my tone changed from a cheerful one to a serious one where is your weapon! you never seem to use it all.. during this whole fight all you did was dodge,run, and joke around when are you going to take this seriously..If you have the balls.. you damn coward. There is a reason why i dont use my weapon.. but if you wanna see it so badly heh.. you better be prepared to get your ass kicked so badly till its ingrained into every bit of you..>:) I told her as i held my hand out and began summoning my sword ugh....Wha..what is this??!? Unlogical amount of energy!?!?! I cant even move.. its so dense and heavy... its getting ha..r..der to breathe..its as if im being pressed do....wn at the deepest part of the ocean... she said as she struggled to even form sentences tsk... quivering already? seriously you ask to show you summon my weapon and when i finally do... all you can helplessly try to do is breathe... I said seriously as i continued summoning my weapon gahh.... S...stop...Please...It..HURTS!!! She began struggling to even form words ...c,mon dont tell me thats all youve got hold on just a little longer and you might just live to see how it looks before your life fades before your very eyes... I said to her in a serious tone uhh...i.....w..w.on..t...ma...make....it.. she said her final words as she passed out just before the hilt of my sword was even summoned hmmph... ... I guess ill stop or shell really die.. I said to myself as i cancelled the summoning hmmph... its really late.. man i stayed up wayy longer than i wanted to.. oh well atleast ill just warp her back to where she lives i said to myself as i snapped my fingers warping her back to her house..while also wiping her memories of ever hearing or meeting me. im going home, =.= *yawn* so shleepy i has a feeling i forgot something tho.. I thought to myself as i walked home from an exhausting day..
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:54:48 +0000

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