i have been doing a study on Daniels timeline and this is what i - TopicsExpress


i have been doing a study on Daniels timeline and this is what i was shown, some say the tribulation is only 3 and a half years but i believe it is a whole 7 years, Daniel 9 24. Seventy sevens are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression to put an end to sin to atone for the wickedness to bring everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy. OK so 490 years are decreed for everything to be finished. Daniel 9 25 know and understand this from the issueing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the anointed one will be seven sevens and 62 sevens or 69 weeks. OK how long is a week 7 years. It did not say the messiah would come at the end of the 62 week . It said 62 till the messiah comes.so we know his ministry was 3.5 years will that fit into a 7 year week. You bet it will lets break it down further Jesus ministry was 1260 days so if his ministry started at the mid point of the 62 week it ended exactly on the 483rd year. OK lets continue Dan 9 25 . It will be rebuilt with streets and walls and in times of troubles. Dan 9 26 AFTER THE 62 SEVENS THE ANOINTED ONE WILL BE CUT OFF. That is 483 years or 69 weeks. Jesus ministry started in the middle of the 62nd week not the end. Continuing but not for himself. The ruler of the people who come will destroy the city and the sanctuary the end will come like a flood war will continue until the end and desolation have been decreed. OK this is very clearly talking about the destruction of the temple by titus in 70 ad. But titus didnt fulfill the prophecy. First titus was a Roman soldier not a ruler or prince . Since we know titus did not sit in the Temple and claim to be God we know that Daniel was talking about a future ruler. Dan 1 and 2 tells us about the future kingdom the toes of iron and clay. The revised roman empire. Daniel is telling us that the people who destroyed the second temple are the same people who will be ruling durning the 70th week.. Dan 9 27. He will confirm a covenent with the many for one week. This is not the messiah remember he was cut off after the 69th week .continuing in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation until the end that is decreed is pored out on him. OK the he in verse 27 is the anti christ. He confirms a covenent for one week or 7 years if you try and put Jesus in there it would be Jesus that causes sacrifice and offering to stop and set up the abomination of desolation and would be the one who goes to ruin at the end . OK Jesus did not cause the sacrifice to stop when he died on the cross. The Jews continued to sacrifice till the destruction of the temple in 70 ad. You have to remember the Jewish people rejected Jesus. And since Jesus didnt stop sacrifice he can not be the he in verse 27. So just as Jesus ministry started mid week so will satans. Mathew 24 15 confirms daniels 70th week is the 7 year tribulation period. Its the same event. Jesus himself said when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of be the prophet Daniel. He is telling you to go to Daniel and look its the same event. Its just mid week. That doesnt take away from the first part of the week. This prophecy is not about the church its about the Jews. Daniels 70th week is the 7 year tribulation period. The book of revelation confirms it. That is why after chapter 4 you do not see the church agian till chapter 19. They confirm each other. It all comes down to how do you interpret the 62 week. Jesus was cut off after 483 years. The 70th week has not yet begun. Sorry to all of you who think we are already to the 5th seal judgement. There are other things that confirm that as well the restraining aspect of the Holy Spirit has to be removed before the man of sin can be revealed. I did not say the Holy Spirit I said the restraining aspect of the Holy Spirit. Well who is that well thats the church. who else agrees and or has been shown the same thing
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 20:07:27 +0000

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