i knew about this before Kerrys (real name Kohn) nomination as Sec - TopicsExpress


i knew about this before Kerrys (real name Kohn) nomination as Sec of State and it just shows the corruption in the WhiteHouse... SO-CALLED “WAR HERO” JOHN KERRY A FRAUD – SELF-PROCLAIMED “WARRIOR” STRONGLY OPPOSED BY “NAM” VETS HE SMEARED DURING HIS CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY – NEW EVIDENCE KERRY LIED ABOUT FIRST PURPLE HEART “WOUND” – VAST MAJORITY OF VIETNAM VETS – BOTH DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN – TO VOTE AGAINST JANE FONDA’S “PAL” KERRY, A MAN WITHOUT HONOR, UNFIT TO BE “COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF” Never in the history of American politics has this country’s military veterans been so united in their opposition to a particular Presidential candidate. The disgraceful actions of self-proclaimed “war hero” John F. Kerry have so incensed legitimate Vietnam veterans, that most of them – both Democrat and Republican – plan to vote against the left-wing Massachusetts Democrat on Nov. 2nd. “I would crawl over broken glass to pay him back for what he did to us,” said Vietnam vet Felim Doherty, a registered Democrat in Bloomfield, N.J. The former Air Force NCO said Kerry’s testimony before Congress back in 1971 was “full of lies and slander” against the vast majority of Americans who served in Vietnam with honor and integrity. “For him to try and make out we were killing babies, raping women, cutting off ears and – in his words – rampaging every day through the Vietnamese countryside like the hordes of Genghis Khan – was and is a smear and slander of my brother Vietnam veterans. “This self-proclaimed war hero doesn’t talk much about his days running around with Jane Fonda, giving aid and comfort to our enemies. I wonder why?” Retired Capt. Danny Howell of Florida, a Republican and Marine staff sergeant during his hitch in Vietnam, praises the Swiftboat Vets for their exposure of Kerry’s dubious “combat” record. “Only 120 days in-country and he puts himself in for a Purple Heart for scratches we wouldn’t bother to report to the corpsman. This guy was punching his ticket and used a loophole [three Purple Heart wounds and you got to leave Vietnam before your required 12 month tour of duty was up] in the regulations to get out early. What a disgrace! “I saw Marines with serious wounds - arms shattered, their guts hanging out, an eye gone, sucking chest wounds – that is what the Purple Heart is meant for, not for a grain of rice hitting you in your butt!” KERRY CAUGHT IN ONE OF HIS OWN LIES A lot of controversy surrounds Kerry’s first Purple Heart “wound.” In Kerry’s authorized biography, “Tour of Duty,” written by adoring flack and campaign shill Douglas Brinkley, the author writes the following: “They [Kerry and his crew in their Navy swift boat] pulled away from the pier at Cat Lo with spirits high, feeling satisfied with the way things were going for them. They had no lust for battle, but they also were not afraid. Kerry wrote in his notebook, ‘A cocky feeling of invincibility accompanied us up the Long Tau shipping channel because we hadn’t been shot at yet, and Americans at war who haven’t been shot at are allowed to be cocky.’” Please note the date this journal entry was made - when “Kerry had just turned 25, on Dec. 11, 1968,” Brinkley wrote. That was nine days after Kerry falsely claimed to have been “wounded” during a firefight with the enemy. According to military regulations, the only time a Purple Heart can be awarded is when the recipient has been engaged in combat with a hostile force. Inadvertent “wounds” that are self-inflicted, don’t count. The Swift Boat Vets revealed Kerry didn’t deserve the first of three Purple Heart medals he got because his “injury” was from a tiny fragment of shrapnel that resulted from him firing an M-79 grenade launcher against the nearby shore from the deck of his boat. KERRY’S C.O. DISPUTES VALIDITY OF FIRST “WOUND” Grant Hibbard of Gulf Breeze, Fla., a retired Navy officer, told MilitaryCorruption he was the commanding officer to whom Kerry reported his “battle wound” on Dec. 3, 1968. “I had confirmed that there was no hostile fire that night and that Kerry had simply wounded himself with an M-79 grenade round he fired too close. He wanted a Purple Heart, and I refused.” The former Navy commander said Louis Letson, the base physician, saw Kerry and used tweezers to remove a tiny piece of shrapnel – about 1 centimeter in length and 2 millimeters in diameter – from the lieutenant j.g.’s (junior grade) forearm. “Letson confirmed that the scratch had been self-inflicted when Kerry clumsily used the M-79.” It’s been more than 35 years since the incident, but Hibbard still recalls Kerry’s actions with disgust. “It is unacceptable to nominate yourself for a combat award. It compromises the basic military principle that we survive together.. To promote yourself is to denigrate your team . . . Kerry orchestrated his way out of Vietnam [in four months – a third of the required tour of duty] and then testified, under oath, before Congress that we, his comrades, had committed horrible war crimes.. “This testimony was a lie and slandered honorable men. We, who were actually there, believe he is unfit to command our sons and daughters.” WHAT MANNER OF MAN IS THIS? When Kerry was caught in a much-repeated lie about how it was “seared” in his memory that he spent Christmas (1968) on his swift boat upstream in Cambodia – maybe he dreamed that fantasy up after watching Martin Sheen perform derring-do in the movie“Apocalypse Now” – campaign handlers tried to explain it away by saying their guy must have been “mistaken” – it was January 1969 when the self-proclaimed “warrior” was on a secret mission in a place no U.S. Navy craft were authorized to be. You see, Kerry said many times that the terrible, evil Richard Nixon (BOO!), had ordered him on his “secret missions” into Cambodian waterways. Trouble was, in December 1968. Lyndon Johnson was still the President of the United States. Nixon wasn’t to be inaugurated until January 20, 1969. There were other problems too. Kerry claimed to have come under fire by the Cambodian Khmer Rouge, the rebel Communists. That was a neat trick, as leader Kieu Samphan didn’t organize the Khmer Rouge until 1970! Anyone who knows how much noise the swift boats made chugging up the Mekong or Bassac Rivers, would realize any Kerry tall tales of clandestinely inserting CIA agents or forward recon teams into Cambodia was yet another lie. What manner of man is this, who would have us elect him commander-in-chief of the armed forces, when he fabricates and falsifies his own “heroics?” As well as his military records?
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:27:08 +0000

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