i love conspiracy theories, because most often they turn out to be - TopicsExpress


i love conspiracy theories, because most often they turn out to be true. In any social, political, public happening, i keep looking for motives, beneficiaries, victims of that happening and try to go beyond what is obvious. these are some of the intriguing questions we need answers for in the present indian political electoral scenario. 1. why narendra modi who is critical of congress, manmohan, rahul and sonia and their government at the centre does NOT talk about the economic policies of the manmohan government ? 2. Is it because , he is the chosen successor for manmohan as their agent by multinational corporate mafia abetted and promoted by american governments and other western powers. ? 3. why narendra modi is silent about swadeshi economic policies of RSS and dwells only on anti muslim agenda of RSS ? 4. why pakistan silent in the borders for quite some time suddenly opens conflicts in several points on the eve of indian elections ? 5. why serial bomb blasts absent for the last few years now happen on the eve of indianelections ? 6. why mujahideens ( now they are the prime suspects ) chose bihar venue and not mumbai or lucknow or tricky ? all these questions get resolved with a probable conspiracy theory : The west wants its economic interests safeguarded in India,after manmohan singh government goes. Manmohan has outlived his usefulness and needs a replacement. Modi fits the bill. he has the support of the indian corporate as well. Threats to modis ascent have to be neutralised. Rahul can be taken care of with the help of media which will project him as a dumb boy with foot in the mouth disease. The next major threat mainly is from nithish kumar. If Nithish had endorsed Modis projection as PM candidate and continued with BJP alliance, Modi would have had a smooth sailing with more allies of BJP remaining with them. But Nithish spoilt the game. And if a hung lok sabha happens, nithish is a potential PM candidate of the third front, which is not desirable from multinational corporate interests as Nithish would lean left of centre as an erstwhile socialist. Nithish can be discredited through patna bomb incident as inefficient CM incapable of safeguarding law and order and security. To polarise voters in support of Modi so that he and BJP get a clear majority, patriotism card has to be used. Whipping up anti pakistan and anti muslim sentiments is the time tested methodology to polarise so called hindu vote bank. This can be done in two ways - signalling pakistans ISI and terror organisations controlled by it to launch terror incidents and signalling pakistan army to step up conflict in the border. I suspect western intelligence agencies, american agencies may all be at this kind of conspiracy now to rig the indian elections so that they can instal one more of their stooges in power to take care of their business interests. How i wish all this is not true. a weak thought perhaps….
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 06:39:50 +0000

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