i never intended to hurt the ones i loved and put them in danger - TopicsExpress


i never intended to hurt the ones i loved and put them in danger like i did. i never will forgive my self for my actions based on emotions and selfishness. i never was a good partner mom or friend and i realize that but i did try my best to love everyone how i could before this happened. yes i know i screwed up everything going for me and my family. i made it to where my bf couldnt have rights too see his daughter and not be able too stay here. if someone asks me why i would go so low as to do what i did i would tell them it was selfishness. i know everyone i hurt will never forgive me and they have every right not too but i do still want to deeply apologize for what i did there was no excuse for it there was no reason it ever should of happened i hurt more for the ones suffering now including my daughter because of my actions i was wrong and i know i learned my lesson now. things i know will never be normal or the same but i dont expect them too. its no longer about me or my wants or needs its about doing whats right for my family which is what i plan to do from here on out. i know no one will ever forgive me for what i pulled and they have every right not too..i was thinking about myself in this situation and it was wrong immature low very selfish and very disturbing too me. im a very selfish person at times which is wrong but i know i can admit it and im planning on fixing it. which at this point im strongly considering deleting facebook and all online sites so i can focus on what i need to do to make this right. For anyone whose confused on this in my friends i apologize for that too i was stupid to let this happen and its never happening again im now getting my meds back and i plan on getting myself in check :( i take full responsibilitycand consequences for my actions and again i deeply apologize too those i hurt and destroyed it was never acceptable. i learned my lesson and making people suffer is wrong especially when its my actions that caused it. i also want to ask if anyone comments on this please no nasty or hateful disrespectful comments ty.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:15:49 +0000

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