idk why skinny girls down talk girls who are bigger than em - TopicsExpress


idk why skinny girls down talk girls who are bigger than em personally i like every girl no matter what size, race, color, ethnicity , or what they have or boob size or ass size u got a big heart i got a big heart we will get along u give me respect ill give u respect we will get along like everyone was born from one mother no need to judge everyones cool popular beautiful handsom or cute in their own way n it took me a lot of years and ocd and anxiety to realize that never judge someone if you dont know their past that person you judged could probably not have parents with as much money as you and their parents want to give em everything but only give em what they can that person you judged could committ suicide because you judged em on something they cant help or were born with i know ive faced depression on being judged maybe that person u judged lost someone really close to em and it made them the way they are just love someone for who they are i maynot bet he most attractive boy but i feel i am these days and im not saying that bcuz i got a gf who calls me super cute everyday i say that because before i leave my door my mom always stops me and tells me any girl would be lucky to have you and your very handsom reallly all you need is love and respect .
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 02:43:02 +0000

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