ift.tt/1faC2Ic What is a miracle? The difference between miracles - TopicsExpress


ift.tt/1faC2Ic What is a miracle? The difference between miracles , karamahs and magic ift.tt/1faC2rW Islam defines a miracle as an exceptional event or act which is contrary to the laws of nature and can occur only through the direct intervention of God Almighty. The Arabic word for miracle is mujizah . AJZ comes from the word that means something amazing , cannot be resisted , unique . According to Islam , miracles are performed by Gods permission , for the prophets of God. Miracles are not magic , it is, by definition , a trick or illusion , or a miracle an event caused by people only scientists who are not prophets of God. These events are called karamahs . Therefore, we find three different categories , working miracles , and magic karamahs . God sent Prophets and Messengers to guide mankind mainly . Were human , fantastic, pious and trustworthy character , people will follow and could turn to for direction. They were not gods , demigods or saints with divine qualities , but were mere mortals charge of a difficult mission . They were unique because they were forced to face the trials and tribulations overtime to spread the message of worshiping God alone. And I (God) created the jinn [To learn more about the Jinn, please see: ift.tt/1mDVDWO] and man to worship Me ( Alone ) . (Quran 51:56 ) To make each credible Prophet in his time and a certain place , God gave miracles, relevant, timely and understandable to the people they were sent . The time of Moses magic and witchcraft were so widespread miracles of Moses appealed to the people , he was sent to guide . At the time of Muhammad, the Arabs, although mostly illiterate , were masters of prayer. His poetry and prose are considered exceptional and a model of literary excellence and the miracle of the Prophet Muhammad , peace and blessings of God be upon him , was of this nature and more .. The miracle is defined Prophet Solomon was his only kingdom . In the time of Jesus , the Israelites were very knowledgeable in the field of medicine. Therefore, the miracles performed by Jesus were of this nature and included return sight to the blind , healing lepers and raising the dead . And you heal those born blind and the leper by My permission . Behold ! You bring forth the dead by My leave . (Quran 5:10 ) A Karama is a question or a special event that occurs in the hands of a believer who obeys God , abstain from sin and whose piety to a very high level in the eyes of God. Unlike a miracle supposed to be made public so that people recognize the truth of the Prophet, a Karama usually benefit those to whom it is given . A Karama could include things such as knowledge , power, or something amazing like that Karama was given Usayd Ibn al - Hudayr , one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad . A group of angels in a cloud of light shade Usayd when reciting the Quran. [Saheeh Al-Bukhari] A Karama also held to Maryam , the mother of the prophet Jesus. Her Lord accepted her with good acceptance. He grew up in a good way and put him in the care of Zechariah. Every time I went in his place of prayer , found supplied with sustenance. He said: O Maryam (Mary) Where did you do that ? She said . This is God God gives sustenance to whom He wills without limit. (Quran 3:37 ) The result is a miracle nothing but good and is given by the Almighty to the Prophets as a sign of its veracity. To this is added a life of moral and exemplary character , and a message of kindness. Magic can also bring something extraordinary, but nothing good can come out of magic. It makes for bad people , and is seeking the help of demons and drawing near them. [For details, please see: ift.tt/1faC1nD] The miracles cannot be removed or canceled , while magic can be learned , deleted or canceled. Meet the Prophet Moses and the magicians of Pharaohs court the difference between magic and miracles is explained. They said : O Musa (Moses ) Either throw (first), or will we have the (first) throw He (Moses ) said: You throw (first) When they threw bewitched the eyes of the people , and terrified , they displayed a great magic and revealed to Moses .. Throw your stick , and behold ! He immediately swallowed all the lies that have shown . Thus truth was confirmed , and what they did was made of no effect. So they were defeated there and returned disgraced. And the magicians fell down prostrate . (Quran 7:115-120 ) Wizards realized that Moses was not preformed a trick or illusion as they did. They understood the deception and they knew that Moses actions were a miracle. So I accepted the truth and worshiped God , knowing that he was going to kill you for disobeying Pharaoh. Miracles can be of two types: those that occur at the request of people who want a sign of the truth of the Prophet who was sent to them and the second type , occur without being asked . An example of the first type is when the people of Prophet Salih asked to mountain behind a camel and his descendants . Furthermore, when the unbelievers of Mecca asked the Prophet Muhammad to show them a miracle , he showed them the splitting of the moon . One of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad mentioned this event saying . . We were with the Messenger of Allah at Mina, when the moon we divided into two parts One part was behind the mountain and the other one was on this side of the mountain The messenger of Allah said : Bear witness that this [Saheeh Muslim]. An example of the second type is what happened when the tree cried and wanted the Prophet Muhammad. He, the Prophet used to give his speech on Friday, while leaning on a palm tree. One of his disciples a chair for him had its way and they did. So on Friday when the Prophet was in the pulpit , the tree began to moan for him as a child. Muslims believe that the Quran itself is a miracle. Prophet Muhammad said: Every Prophet was given miracles because people believe them , but received the divine revelation God has revealed to me , so I hope that my followers will outnumber the followers of another day Prophets of Resurrection. [Saheeh Al-Bukhari] , the Prophet Muhammad was implying that the Quran itself is the greatest miracle of all time , is a miraculous book filled with miracles of all kinds. His revelation , literary excellence , and its contents, including the scientific, historical and prophetic , contribute to the state of Quran as a miracle. Miracle, magic, God
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 05:24:34 +0000

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