in Buddhism, the human body is called the vessel right of the - TopicsExpress


in Buddhism, the human body is called the vessel right of the noble way . In other words, the vessel of the law of the practice Buddhist. When we fill this vessel with the Great State of the life of the budeidad, understand and concretamos the true meaning of being born as human beings 1, According to the Buddhism, life has 5 component, namely: * form * perception * conception * volición * awareness That temporariamente come together to form a being single living. For these components, the first is the physical aspect, and the other four aspects spiritual life. The 5 senses and the sixth root, which corresponds to the mind, are involved, more specifically, with the way and the perception. The way ( in Japanese SHIKI ) is, as stated earlier, in the physicality of life, that includes the five bodies of the five senses: eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body ( body like skin ), by means of which there is evidence of the outside world. The perception ( Japanese ju ) is the function of receiving information external by means of the six bodies of the senses, it is to say, the five previously mentioned, the more the mind. The mind Integrates translate, decodifica impressions of the five senses. Then through the conception we have created an idea mental on that perceive, through the volición we wish to take some kind of action on that idea, mental and the conscience allows us to discern at all times. In reality, the conscience generates perception, concept and volición. The sutra Lotus, in its chapter no 19 speaks about the benefits of purification of the organs of the senses, one of those who practice the law Mystic. The chapter starts by saying: in this moment, the Buddha said to the bodhisattva and mahasattva effort constant: If good men or good women to accept and keep this sutra Lotus, if you read, recitan, explain And preach, or what transcriben, these people will reap eight hundred benefits visual, One thousand two hundred benefits auditory, Eight hundred benefits olfatorios, One thousand two hundred benefits gustativos, Eight hundred benefits intense physical and a thousand two hundred benefits mental. With all of them, they will be able to decorate their six organs and sensory purificarlos. 2. And going to every one of the senses, beginning, for example, by the view, the sutra says: these good men and women, with the eyes Physicists pure which have received from his parents at the moment of birth, you see everything that exists in the parts external and internal to the thousands of millions of worlds, its mountains, FORESTS, rivers and seas for the way down to the hell avichi, and at the top, until the summit of being. And in the middle, youll see you all the living beings, and also to see and understand all the causes and conditions created by their actions and the reward of those actions. 3, We are witnesses to the advancement of Science, which has enabled the men see in the cells smaller until galaxies very remote. Even today, we can have the eyes of the color you want. We can have glasses, contact lenses, telescopes, Microscopes, and yet, not to make contact with what you want to see. We have a great power, the question is where that power leads to happiness. [ purifying through the practice of sutra Lotus ] are concerned basically with the power of the insight, or the foresight, we are not talking about Clairvoyance nor any power Mystical sobrehumano 4, Y is that, in short, what we want to see is what really matters, it is essential, what is behind the form of physical or that still remain, at the moment we cannot see. In this respect, there is an experience interestante that counts haruo suda ( vicerresponsable of dpto. Studies of the SGI ) with regard to a meeting in which participated in a young man that, I had homework behind the backdrop of a stage. The President Ikeda, after his speech thanked to those who are behind the curtain, for his efforts . The boy was very touched to have been recognised in its activities. On the other hand, Ikeda Sensei cleared that it is not owned powers psychics , but yeah has the firm Determination not to ignore the effort, Silent to the people in the shade, whose work No one else sees, and show their full appreciation. I always try to see the substance that underlies the following invisible out the view . Moreover, it is also a frequent that Ikeda Sensei, to visit centres cultural the SGI in the world, give a rodeo before you enter the building, in order to encourage those who carry out tasks quieter jet turbines. When you look at things from an angle Oblique, rather than from the front, they tend to be a better idea of the situation total.. 5. What is important, then, seen from different angles, in order to be able to appreciate, to discern, to see you in perspective. But Its just the position? No. Look penetrante, astute, it is only the result of a big heart. When we are striving tenazmente based on faith and not fall into the impatience and we can grow a glance penetrante in order to be able to discern always the best way. 6. Many times we think, the solution to my problem does not exist. And Its not that does not exist, is that we cannot visibly see it. The daishonin says: when the sky is clear off the earth is shinning . Our practice makes to act and to shine our look of wisdom . 6. There are five types of vision, five types of Faculty perceptual: 1 ), the eye of the deadly common that distinguishes shape and color. 2 ) of the eye divine or the capacity of the beings Celestial see beyond the physical limitations of the darkness, the distance, or the blockage. 3 ) of the eye of the wisdom or power of the people of the two vehicles in the sense that we are all phenomena lack the substance. 4 ) of the eye of the law, whereby the bodhisattvas understand all the lessons. 5 ), the eye of the Buddha, which is perceived the true nature of life that covers past, present and future, and included in the other four colleges perceptivas. 7. If We strive with honesty on a daily basis in the faith, we will have no lack the benefit of the purification of our senses, insofar as we are heading in the path of budeidad. And yet, there are people who cannot see. Whats wrong with them? Having a vision perfect does not mean to be able to perceive the substance of things. Through faith in the law Mystic can open with no fault of the eyes of the heart . Probably recall a Helen Keller ( 1880-1968 ), Who could not see or talk or hear. And conquered the world by His strength spiritual. Even made college and I used to say: in the country of the wonders of the mind, I was going to be so free Any other person. The kingdom of the mind is free, why the President Ikeda language with about a with the name freedom to the group of the Soka gakkai that nuclea to the non - videntes. 8. I would now like to comment on other meaning: the touch. Through the tactful perceive the form and texture of things, the various member states of the matter ( Solid, liquid, gaseous ), The temperature, etc. The organ involved is the skin, you know is the largest organ we have and it has a function of barrier. According to the Dr. Lamb, have a great dermatólogo, the skin separates the men of their means and what unites he. Ikeda Sensei says: the skin is not only a deck outside, but also in the mirror that reflects our health is internal, reflects our rule of life. 9. The sutra describes the benefit of the body of the following way: adquirirán bodies pure, such as the lapislázuli perfect, whose vision will delight in the other . This is a fragment says that the life of the person comes to shine like a crystal polished to perfection. All those who are close to feel happy and animated. The person that, in other words, It represents a presence comforting like the sun. A leader should possess a face bright, vitality, such as the rising sun. 10. I am sure we just happened, mirarnos in the mirror, when you are sick and look at a picture pale, demacrada and when we are safe, our faces and our body is everything rozagante and fresh. And it is very well known, to see how after the prayer omprometida, When we we give a warm, body and soul, and we ended up replenished and vital to our skin looks irradiar a shone special. Finally, a benefit of the body that is all the people of the TEN states, once we purify your body can discern the true nature of all forms of life, as if the viesen reflected in a mirror límpido. 10. Y, in short, what we can clear the air for this make sense? Its just to feel good for us? [ the purification of the body. ] refers to the power to detect the rule of life of someone at the moment when you have in front of you. When one is based on the Law Mystic can see clearly the rule of life of the similar . 10. And to the extent that we can recognise the state of the life of our peers, will we know how to get to your heart to be encouragement, or work together or just start a dialogue. Sariputta or sharihotsu, disciple of shakyamuni, was known for their understanding and wisdom ( The first in wisdom ). In a broad sense represents a All those who practice it correctly Buddhism. The name sharihotsu in Japanese can be broken down in three words: Sha: skin Ri: meat Hotsu: bone. In this way, the name sha - ri - hotsu ( skin - meat - and - bone ) represents the entire life. the transformation that we made it through the practice Buddhist impact in our minds and our body, that change until its essence. The life force of the law Mystic penetrates and revitaliza meat, Bones, and the skin. 11. With regard to the smell, as we know, Its the sense that allows the perception of The smells. The various species of animals used in the sounds like information about the danger, with regard to the food, signs for the moment of the procreación, etc. The terminaciones nerve which enable us to distinguish The smells ends in an area of the brain in where it is also located the memories. Its been proven that it can to encourage the sense of smell, entrenándolo and Generating a memory olfativa . De This way they learn the perfumistas his job and to distinguish thousands of substances that are different. This training delay of years and even the whole life and you are cautioned to perfumista beginner, which is capable of keeping the Spirit of high for confrontarse many times a mistake and return to try. In the culture of Japanese and the Arts of the Fragrance was always very important. Se encendían Wood aromatic or materials fragantes and enjoyed Your scent, and there were awards to the one that could have the best combination, or the one that could identify best components. In Japanese, the expression smell incense you can write with ideogramas, literally, it read, listen to a fragrance . 12. The President Ikeda says: [...] Every person has their own fragrance. I am not referring to the smell body or the perfume, but its singular fragrance in the heart or scent of the life . The person who studies, we are trying and trying to grow with diligence sincere owns the fragrance of toughness . And the smell exuda is a whole and healthy, as an offshoot again. On the other hand, the people who wasted your life in a way decadente seems to make all of your being an unpleasant smell, as the of someone in decline. The difference is really notable. 12. Through the practice we can discriminate against our own fragrances from the heart and those of the other, so I can help you better. We continue with the organ of the tongue, involved in the sense of taste, and that is also used for something very important as the speech. With lots of humor, katsuji saito, responsible for the depto studies of the SGI comment: in this field, of course, the women wear advantage! The purification in this sense, it has to do with two things: 1 - everything that test I know well. 2 - The ability to explain the Buddhism, so that those who listen to feel joy. 1 - it has to do with the mystery in the elevation of the rule of life achieved through the practice. A healthy person is tasting the dish more simple, but for the one that is, until the dish more delicious he is unpleasant. This does not mean that we neglect Our Arts culinary!. The rule of life is complex and mysterious and the way in which percibamos with our senses are going to depend on the rule of Life In which we have. With regard to 2 - purification of the speech allows us through the voice and words ( FORM and content ) arrive at the heart of the people. The sutra Lotus says: If it is with these powers of its tongue being undertaken by the preaching in the middle of the big house, able to give you a deep voice and powerful, capable of penetrate into the mind and make all those who listen to it regocijen and deleiten. 13. Closely linked to the meaning of the speech, is the ear. If you do not exist in the ear, I would not have dialogue, we all would be boring Monologues. Theres a whole chapter of the sutra Lotus which emphasises the importance of listening to the voices of the people, and this is the chapter 25, the portico Universal the bodhisattva who perceives the sounds of the world . 14. This bodhisattva sometimes it is called mother misericordiosa, because Who better than a mother to listen to the heart of his son that suffers. The portico Universal means a door that anyone can be implemented, which is open for all. And which perceives the sounds of the World recognises the sounds , The voices of the people who are suffering. A leader must listen carefully to the people. It is important to listen with patience and ecuanimidad. These times are in an era where people are full of complaints. A leader should listen to the people desahogarse. This is part of the practice Buddhist. It is important to create an environment where people feel free to talk about anything Subject. 14. Good leaders listen to other S opinions. It is very easy to hear the views of the people who are in agreement with the one, how difficult is to listen to those who show points of view of the opposite. Generally speaking, what we do is to avoid the opinions that we do not like. The President Ikeda stresses that the man who does not have the magnanimity of listening to voluntarily still opinions tougher, more stringent, you are disqualified to come as a leader. 14. A Psychologist Harvard, David Mc. Clelland, has done investigations showed that the people who are in crisis and stay without talking, keep your feelings inside themselves, they hormones that down, the resistance of the system inmunitario a disease. And there is also the studies which they talk about that, when the stress level is high, the people with no support psychological suffer as much as 10 times the incidence of disease, physical and emotional, compared with those who have supported the psychological. 14. When we started practicing Buddhism, most of us is designed to solve their own problems. In this respect our faith into this point is the life of someone who asks for help which perceives the sounds of the world . First of all, essentially, we want to be heard. Gradually, a measure that we, our rule of life grows up to the point of being able to listen to the problems of each other. That is to say we had to rely on which perceives the sounds of the World to become the bodhisattva who perceives the sounds of the world. And that transformation must be a faith in the law Mystic. 14. The sutra Lotus says: in a word, even if the person still has not acquired the ear Celestial, with the deaf ear pure and common, which has received from his parents at the moment of birth, you can hear and understand all the voices that exist in the parts and home Foreign billions of Worlds . 15. That is to say, the one who gets the benefit of the purification of the ear may hear all the voices and Tell the essence of life that each one expresses. In his maka shikan ( great concentration and introspection ), T ien - t ai says on the various types of Physician: the doctor upper listen [ the voice of a patient ]; The doctor common observes the color ; The doctor inferior is examining the pulse. A doctor outstanding, just to hear the voice could diagnose the disease. 16. If you listen carefully to the voice of a person, for his tone, its reverberancia, shows clearly, the rule of life the person is, by more than what they say the words. Of the five organs sensory, ear is the first to be energized, even in the gestation ( at the age of 6 months ), so that the baby when you are born because it recognises the sound of the voice of his mother. Moreover, the human being can turn a blind eye or the mouth in the way they are the window of life , Are the portico and the Spirit , Through which we can have access to the depths of the life of being human. That is why the music has the power to set our alarm Bells Ringing the man and despertarle emotion at one level is very deep. 17. Watching so that the ear is so connected with the emotion, what is important to polish it our voices, both with regard to form as the content of the words, in order to be able to pass always, as it says Sensei: the voices of warm breath ; voices of righteousness that refutan fairly falsehood ; voices of Conviction ; voices jubilosas that number on singing. As indicated by the daishonin when urges us to energetically and all your heart, the kosen - rufu is a process for the When the wave That Generates the voice of a person expands to produce ten thousand waves.. 18. Finally, we went to the mind. The brain is the organ, the mind can be seen as a function of the brain, but it is not based on the brain. the mind and brain can not distributed evenly. In this respect, constitute a inseparabilidad. But this does not mean that both are two things that are identical. The relationship maybe it is best described with the phrase two but not the two . The aspect of spiritual, which is the mind and in the physicality, given by the weirdos neurological, there are two terms different ( two ) But they work together as a inseparabilidad ( Do not have two ) . [..] It could be said that the brain is the way for which it manifest the activity of the mind. 19. The mind is large and vast and that transcends the restrictions on the matter. Its free in the time and free in the area and to communicate like a bridge with the conscience of the other people, and not die along with the body. Has the potential to transcend the I inferior. If the mind not a localised is a reality, the world becomes a place of interaction and connection. 20. With regard to the purification of the mind, the sutra Lotus says that if a person listens to a single verse or a sentence, you will understand endless e limitless lessons . And you will explain the meaning of this verse or phrase for a month, four months or a year and that the teaching of exposed will never be contrary to the reality real. The essence of what he says a person that agrees full and perfectly with the truth of the universe. Through a purification of the mind of the practitioners Are Getting Wiser. In summary clear the air for the six organs sensory means transform entirely in our life in order to ensure that it is a vehicle in the kosen rufu. 21,
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 02:56:54 +0000

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