in your mind you can shine because in your mind your world is what - TopicsExpress


in your mind you can shine because in your mind your world is what you think it isnt because it couldnt ever truly be what you want because in your soul your greedy as i am as we all are and to step away from greed and the extension that creates greed which is ego you need to free your soul from the self made shackles that you put on yourself everyday and realize universal truth cannot be attained and if you reflect that thought onto you well your just a little kid because you have no definition when your a little kid you wanna be older you wanna be defined you want to understand and comprehend and be free but what you didnt and dont understand is that by wanting to be free your putting shackles onto yourself because in the reality of the reflection that i perceive and reflect onto all is that freedom cannot be attained unless you dont wish to attain freedom you have to wish to understand what it is to be a true slave to be a true slave is you dont make any decisions you dont have your own time to dedicate to the life you wish to live thats slavery youve never had slavery except for when you thought you did but i ask have you looked around and said im free? and truly meant it freedom is not dictated by a law or right or a passage or any of these things freedom is dictated by the mind the body and the soul if i do something u say is bad and u say ull whip me and i love the whip then are you really punishing me no if i wanna die and u shoot me are you taking something away or making my dreams come true? your only free if the excistance you believe is yours says your free and to you i say do whatever you want your love law and life is not dictated by mans law its dictated by gods and you have to stop holding up the mirror to the sky or in the opposite direct of yourself when searching for god you have to understand hes in you and if your right with him and the illusion of him and yourself then no one can judge you and your right no matter what i do say or want if your right with your self and your soul and your god no one can judge you so do whatever your heart your soul your mind your body wants dont let others greed or your own ego greed or self projected illusion of god dictate what you do and who you are be free
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 22:58:44 +0000

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