is playing along because I love Holly Anne. I try to be an open - TopicsExpress


is playing along because I love Holly Anne. I try to be an open book, so Im not sure theres much about me that you may not know, but Ill try. And thanks for giving me #9, by the way. Thats a lot. (1) If youd asked me 7-8 years ago what I thought Id be doing at this point in my life, I knew Id be an elementary school assistant principal waiting for the opportunity to be a principal. Id already started filling out my grad school application when we found out we were pregnant with Grace. Now I have an expired teaching certificate and am a volunteer on the PTA. It is a constant balance between letting go of MY dreams and knowing that I am right where God purposed for me to be at this season of my life and my familys life. (2) Physically I am a very healthy person. I work hard to take care of my body and myself. But I have struggled with anxiety for the majority of the past 3-4 years. It has been a gripping, difficult, and humbling experience because I used to be one of those people who would judgingly say, Well, just stop worrying and trust in God and get over it, ye of little faith. Thankfully though the Lord has enabled me to get to know a few people who get it. (3) My hubby and I met through his grandmothers death and funeral and through our dear friends wedding (we were both in the wedding party). The first time we met, he didnt say one word to me, and I thought he was the biggest cheapskate ever. Now, 8 years later, he still doesnt say much to me, and I still think hes the biggest cheapskate ever. :) (4) I attempted to transfer to Texas A&M University the summer between my sophomore and junior year of college. I even met with an advisor, toured the education building, etc. I didnt end up transferring because I had a full scholarship at HBU and wouldve ended up graduating an entire year later. (5) I still dont feel like I fulfill the role of stay at home mom well. I really feel like my title is more like, unemployed mom because rarely do we stay at home. And my home reflects that. I wish that I took better care of our home, was more organized, couponed better, didnt depend on my crock pot so much, etc. (6) I want to be a blogger. I have tried multiple times to stick to it, and it is just so hard. I draw so much encouragement, insight, and even ideas from other blogs that I read, and I LOVE writing. I also have this fear of losing all of our family memories because I have a closet full of scrapbooking supplies that are still in the packages. Blogging seems like it would be the perfect fix, but I still havent made it happen yet. (7) I wish my children understand the language of sarcasm. I am very fluent in it which causes mass confusion among kiddos who take everything literally. (8) I have very few favorites. No favorite movie, no favorite color, no favorite food, no favorite book etc. Its not because I dont like things. Its because I feel like by labeling something as my favorite, then I am slighting all of the other things that I like almost just as much. In VBS, the kids always laugh at me because Ill label a song as my favorite song, and then 24 hours later, Ill claim that a different song was my favorite song. Hubs calls me out on it all the time like yesterday when I said that _______ was my favorite YMCA instructor, and then he reminded me that just last week I said that _______ was my favorite instructor. (9) I am almost 32 years old, and I still have no idea what my style is. Pinterest has only perpetuated this insecurity. I dont know what my sense of personal fashion style is, and I have no idea what my sense of home decor style is. (After re-reading this list, Ive decided that I will let yall know that address to the psych ward where I will be living since Im sure its only a matter of days before I am committed. Will yall come visit me or at least send me mail?)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 14:46:00 +0000

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