it is my understanding, and correct me if im wrong please , the - TopicsExpress


it is my understanding, and correct me if im wrong please , the rainbow family of living light is a completely unincorporated, leaderless, collective anarchist community adventure planned out by a council formed on the land in 1972 with a set of guidelines encouraging and discouraging certain possessions and behaviors contained in our archive of council consensuses somewhere. it is also my understanding, from reading Garrick Beck s account of the family origins, that somebody found what they thought might be half of a broken petrolith that is part of the hopi prophecy that the original gatherers wanted to make manifest. an audience with the hopi elders revealed that it wasnt the stone, but garrick and the others committed to try to manifest the vision anyway. garrick is one of the people who planted the seed of the family from various communes and woodstock type events around the west coast, who drafted and distributed the invitation for the granby gathering in 1972 lots of true rainbow warriors have jumped on board with those original gatherers over the years. lets not allow poorly plotted progressive anarchist ideas of drug addled ravers or neo-liberal fascist new agers divert us from our goals of re-establishing traditional tribal culture on turtle island to break that yoke of oppression that our ancestors brought here and currently export all over the world powered by the blood, sweat and tears of brain dead zombie wage slaves caged in giant sprawling , unsustainable warrens that interfere with photochemical processes of sunlight and disrupt the biophysical cycles of the planet, potentially making it uninhabitable for humans. anarchy doesnt mean there are no rules of conduct for members of the community to follow. it means there are no leaders and everybody is supposed to police themselves. for anarchy to work, there must be rules and there must be a commitment as a community to ostracize people who refuse to adhere to the rules and bring violence into the community. the verbal violence that permeates almost every popular social networking environment ive seen for the past fifteen years is tearing up the family and threatening to bring that violence to the land with this shanti sena council gypsy is trying to call on stubbs. it destroyed AGR. lets not let it happen on facebook and lets certainly not allow shanti sena to become a rabble of vigilantes. violence is the last refuge of the incompetent -- isaac asimov there are two goals we have set for this group. first is to establish a rap 100010001010111011001 of best practices for the cyber family admins and group members to follow. we also would like to propose some sort of rainbow justice system. way too much vigilante justice is being meted out in the family. its what drove me away from gathering in 1999 when it was done to me twice at the gathering and once at woodstock, resulting in two huge theft losses that wiped out my business and ability to travel, twice with cop calling over bullshit and once with clubs, duct tape and dogs. we need to come up with some criminal codes and put it to the council. we need to draw clear lines on where forceful detainment is justified and at what level of criminality we have to opt to involve LEO. in this group, i will not censor anything but spam and hard core trolls like timmy time. me and the admins are going to be swift with the ban hammer, but those will just be time outs to cool things down. nobody is going to be permanently banned from this group without a 2/3 majority of the membership at the time of the petition for banishment. ive had my first petition. Been Lincoln has asked that Robert Kaiser not only be banned from this group, but also ostracized from the family gatherings altogether. he states that he has witnessed several years of undesirable behavior from bob at the liberty park drum circle prior to last years incident. he avers that bob goaded the people into attacking him because his kitchen had been denied water hookups due to an unsanitary (by bobs own admission to me today) crapper too close to the kitchen to which he allegedly retaliated by cutting the water lines to other kitchens. he then apparently got into a shouting match that escalated to the attack. been lincoln has given me the blow by blow in private and has agreed to lay the case out with what he knows and can recover of bob and other witnesses postings about it. ill make a poll later for BL to lay the case out in. please dont do it here. i would like to focus on the main issue conflicting the family, which is the culture clash between people attempting to maintain the original focus of emulating native society and being happy, creative, productive, sharing, caring, living, loving , joyful and GRATEFUL PEOPLE celebrating life together on the land every july versus neo-liberal fascist new agers on the one hand and predatory and parasitic drunken drug crazed pagan anarchist ravers on the other attempting to impose their belief systems (BS) on everybody else who are not cultist fanatics, predatory punks or drug profiteers, but regular folks from all walks off life coming to walk the talk of garrick and the rest of them who established the family in the first place. sooooo, since i seem to have painted myself into a bit of a corner here and this tommy tooter tirade is already a bit lengthy, let me just end by asking rodney kings question: WHY CAN[T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? happy day peace tommy tooter
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:13:14 +0000

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