it is still popularly believed that Marie Antoinette, wife of - TopicsExpress


it is still popularly believed that Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI and queen of France on the eve of the French Revolution, uttered the insensitive remark upon hearing peasants complaints that there wasnt enough bread to go around: Let them eat cake, she supposedly said. Historians know that it was actually Marie-Therese, the wife of Louis XIV who actually said Quils mangent de la brioche, Historians, some years later shall also chronicle, that at a time when the national economy was at an all time low, and even something as simple as onion was selling at exhorbitant rates, a certain wannabe in India, called for and diverted INR2500 Crore to erecting a metal monument to a personality that needed no monument...What if they do not have basic amenities, let them gaze at Sardar Patels ststue...its grandeur shall make them forget their needs...
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 16:32:42 +0000

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