ito yung reviewer sa TLE Aian Yambao Kenneth Arandia Aquiles Jr - TopicsExpress


ito yung reviewer sa TLE Aian Yambao Kenneth Arandia Aquiles Jr Tanqueco Venice Mary Ellaine Marie Viray Sampang Wilzar Rafael Chua Sibaria Factors That Affect the Growth and Condition of Plants Soil Condition- Soil has Its Own Physical, Chemical, and Biological Properties, Which are all equally important in having good quality soil. Water supply- water is an important factor for the proper growth of plants. Drainage- too much water causes roots from lack of air, thus causing the plants to die. Sunlight- Essential to the development of a plant is the amount of sunlight it receives. - Influences the growth of plants through its effects on photosynthesis, transportation, of nutrients, flowering and reproduction, rate of absorption, etc. Weather- refers to the short- term state of the atmosphere (minutes, days, or months ) in terms of variation in temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, radiation, visibility, and air turbulence. Climate-it refers to the atmospheric conditions during a specified interval of time . Photoperiod- The day length is referred to as __________. Typhoon- The effects of strong winds and floods limit the production of farmers. Seed- Is a fertilized ripened ovule of a flowering plant that contains an embryo capable of germination to produce a new plant. In selecting seeds, you must consider these factors: 1. Viability- Seeds that can germinate and produce strong produce strong healthy are considered viable seeds. 2. Damage- free- Seeds should be whole and free from any damage either by insects or mechanical elements. 3. True to type- Seeds should be of the same variety and should have uniform shapes and sizes. 4. Free from seed- borne diseases- Seeds should come from disease- free plants (free from pests and pathogens). 5. Free from weed mixture- Seeds should be free from weeds and other foreign or inert matter. 6. Mature- Seeds should come from fully ripened fruits. Testing the Viability of Seeds Seed testing- is the process of evaluating the quality of seeds to be sure that they possess the traits of good seeds. 1. Dish method of dinner plate method- this method of conducting germination tests is done by placing seeds in a plate lined with moistened tissue paper. 2. Rag- doll method- One of the simplest and satisfactory methods of testing the viability of seeds. 3. Seed box method- Fill the box garden soil about 12 cm deep. Place about 100 seeds inside the box. Water the seeds regularly until the seeds germinate and the seedlings grow. Formula Percentage germination =Number of seeds germinated X 100 Number of seeds sown Preparing the soil and the site for Planting 1. Clearing- The garden site should be cleaned thoroughly by removing grasses, weeds, and other undesirable plants that may affect the growth of plants. 2. Plowing- This is the first and most important operation in the preparation of land. 3. Harrowing- The purpose of harrowing is to make the plowed soil fine and compact as well as to destroy weeds, weed seedlings, and grasses. 4. Raise seedbeds- Plant beds are raised to provide drainage during the season. Tools and Farm implements needed for planting preparation Crow bar- a steel bar for loosening the subsoil and setting up posts for fences Grab hoe- used for breaking hard top soil and digging furrows for planting. Shovel- used for transferring soil from one place to another. Spade- used for digging canals and removing soil. Spading fork- used for loosening the soil when soft and for digging out root crops. Rake- used for leveling the top soil and cleaning the ground. Hand trowel- used for putting seedlings in the ground and cultivating the soil around the plants. Hand cultivator- used for cultivating garden plants. Equipment for loading and transporting soil, fertilizer, and other materials Wheel barrow- used for hauling trash, soil, and other heavy material Water pail- used for fetching water from the faucet or well Water sprinkler- used for watering plants Sprayer of insecticides and fungicides- used for spraying chemicals Ways of Planting Seeds 1. Direct seeding- this method involves planting seeds in an area where they will grow until they ready for harvesting. 2. Indirect seeding- in this method, the seeds are planted first in seedbeds or seed boxes to produce seedlings, which are then transplanted in the field as soon as they have three or more leaves. Transplanting- refers to transferring of seedlings from one site to another. Irrigation and Water Supply 1. Overhead irrigation- water is brought to the plants in the form of very fine drops by spray or mist, mimicking the rain. 2. Surface irrigation- water is carried to the field through siphons constructed I open ditches or through small canals near the rows of crops. 3. Drip/trickle irrigation- water is supplied directly to the roots of the plants in small quantities by slow but continuous drops of water. 4. Subsurface irrigation- water is supplied under the soil through a tile system laid at a convenient depth and slope. Weeds- are wild plants that are harmful to growing plants. The different types of weeds: 1. Annual weeds- these weeds complete their life cycle in one season. 2. Biennial weeds- these weeds complete their life cycle in two seasons. 3. Perennial weeds- these weeds live for more than two years. Cultivation- refers to the tillage operation of the soil around the plants. Organic and Inorganic Fertilizer Fertilizers- are substances added to the soil to increase its fertility. A. Organic (natural) fertilizers- these are known as natural fertilizers because they are not man-made. 1. Animal manure- this contains high amounts of organic materials valuable to the growth of crops. 2. Green manure- is produced by planting leguminous crops over the areas for planting. 3. Compost- it is an organic material consisting mostly of animal manure and crop residues. Composting- is the process of allowing organic materials to decompose under more or less controlled conditions to produce an end product that can be used as fertilizer or soil conditioner. • Compost pit method- this method is done by digging a pit big enough to accommodate cut grasses and other dried plants in the garden. • Compost head method in this method, organic matter is piled on top of the ground without digging a pit. B. Inorganic fertilizers- these are commercially prepared fertilizers sold by agricultural suppliers. 1. Complete fertilizer- this contains the three major elements needed by plants- nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. 2. Compound fertilizer- this contains only one or two of the major elements such as N and NP (nitrogen and phosphorus) 3. Straight or Single- element fertilizer- this contains only one of the three fertilizer nutrients (e.g., N, P, or K). Functions of the Three Major fertilizer Elements 1. Nitrogen- gives a dark color to plants; promotes their growth; aids in the utilization of phosphorus, potassium, and other nutrients; and increase the protein contents of plants. 2. Phosphorus- stimulates root development, flowering, and seed formation; promotes the rapid growth of plants; and hastens maturity of crops. 3. Potassium- strengthens the stems of plants and develops their resistance to plant diseases. Ways of Applying Fertilizers • Band or localized application- this is done by digging furrows around each plant. • Broadcast method – this is done by scattering fertilizer uniformly around each plant. • Side dressing application- fertilizers are applied close to the seeds or around the established plants for easy absorption of the elements. • Foliar application- this is done by dissolving fertilizer in water and spraying it on the leaves or foliar parts of plant rather than on the soil. Control of Plant Pests and Diseases Pest- is a collective term that refers to organisms that injure or damage plants. The two kinds of insect pests are chewing and sucking insects. 1. Chewing insects- these insects take in their food by biting off and eating up the leaves and other parts of the plants. 2. Sucking insects- these insects have tube like mouth parts, which they can insert into leaves and stem to suck juice of succulent. *direct control- measures involve mechanical means and application of insecticides. *indirect control- these measures also greatly help I the control of plant pest. • Plant diseases- are abnormal conditions in plants that are manifested through signs and symptoms. 1. Bacteria- these are microscopic organism that depend on plants for food. 2. Viruses- these are infectious or pathogenic organisms or substances that are too small to be seen by naked eye. 3. Nematodes- these are microscopic eel-roundworms that feed on the roots and other underground parts of many kinds of crops. Harvesting-is referred to as the process of gathering produce or crops. Marketing- is the selling and buying of goods from producer to consumer. 1. Wholesale system- this is the common practice when the farm is far from the market. 2. Direct method of selling products to consumers- this is said to be the most effective scheme and is practiced by small crop growers. 3. Marketing through cooperatives- this marketing system is advantageous to both the producers and consumers because producers get enough profits, while the costumers buy their goods at cheap prices. Cereals- are cultivated plants belonging to the grass family that yield edible starchy seeds or grains. The word cereal is derived from Ceres Choosing the Best Place to Plant Rice Upland-grown- rice is also called dry rice and is grown without irrigation. Lowland rice- also called wet rice is grown in irrigated areas where the supply of water is unlimited. Choosing the Variety to Plant • Rice seeds must be suitable to local conditions. • Rice seeds must be high yielding and early maturing. • Rice seeds must be resistant to pests and diseases. • Rice seeds must be fertilizer- responsive • Rice seeds must be certified and secured from authorized sources. Watering Crops- water management is important especially to newly planted seedlings. - When about 50-60% of the moisture has been used, water should be applied at the proper amount. Controlling Cereal Weeds 1. Preventive measures- Preparing the land thoroughly, using disease-free seeds, keeping the canals clean and composting manure correctly are ways of controlling weeds already present in the field. 2. Mechanical weeding- the use of a rotary weeded is a good mechanical method of control. 3. Chemical weed control- the use of herbicides is an efficient method in controlling weeds especially during the early stage of crop development. Fertilizer Application Fertilizer management includes determining the method, amount, and kind of fertilizer to use. • Fertilizer should be applied 10 days after sowing the seeds. • The second and last application of fertilizer may be done after 20 days. Root Crops 1. Sweet potato- a vital role in alleviating the food shortage problem in developing countries. - It is a good source of provitamin A (carotene) and vitamin C. 2. Cassava- is largely used as food and animal feed by backyard livestock raisers. - Belongs to the family Euphorbiacea. 3. Yam (UBE)- Its fleshly roots are relished by Filipinos in so many ways. It is also considered as a famine crop because it is used as staple food in the absence of rice or sweet potato in some parts of the country. Factors That Affect the Production of Root Crops 1. Environmental factors- Root crops need sufficient amounts of rainfall of sunlight in order to grow well especially during their vegetative stages. 2. Weeds- they compete with the crops for their much needed nutrients so proper cultivation and weeding must be applied in the field. 3. Pests and diseases- some, animals, insect pests, and diseases can cause extensive damage to root crops. 4. Human factors- oversupply of water and improper application of fertilizer can destroy the crops. Ways of Planting Root crops Sweet potato- sprouts from roots of previous sweet potato crops or vine-tip cuttings from healthy plants are used in planting. Cassava- is propagated by cutting or stakes. - Mature stems with a pith ( a tissue in plants stems that function for storage ) Diameter less than half of their total diameter are preferred planting materials. Yam (UBE) - the upper part of the root or part nearest the stem is mostly likely the suitable part for planting yam. Kinds of soil for planting and the best time to plant root crops THE END
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 10:15:00 +0000

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