katiemiafrederick/2014/03/18/god-is-supercultural/ god IS - TopicsExpress


katiemiafrederick/2014/03/18/god-is-supercultural/ god IS SUPERCULTURAL Posted on March 18, 2014 by katiemiafrederick FULL ILLUSTRATED FREE verse poetically described posts available at the following three additional links ..some of which may be easier to open than others depending on computer and or internet access speed.. katiemiaaghogday.blogspot/2014/03/god-is-supercultural.html katiemiafrederick.blogspot/2014/03/god-is-supercultural.html myunderwearblog.blogspot/2014/03/god-is-supercultural.html DUH! god is not supernatural.. GOD IS SUPERCULTURAL! WElL.. first of ALL.. many folks have their own opinion on what GOD even IS but personAlly i am sure that GOD is a higher power we connect wITh ALL THAT IS on a completely natural basIS.. but lost in most of our western cultures.. and Oh! GOD! so sadly lost for most western religions 2 :( IT IS truly sad as folks look to GOD somewhere else when the connectedness and blISs that IS.. IS! centered in our human being..! as well as all other beings.. 2 Sad.. sad.. human beings..brainwashed to believe they are separate from GO d :( and OH MY GOD! even what some folks call Christian religions..! That Jesus dude..experiences the one wITh ALL! IT! IS! and the GNOSTIC.. Gospel of Thomas.. explains it weLl.. sacred-texts/chr/thomas.htm for those who have entered into CHI..Kundalini.. QI..KI.. So many little abstract symbols..that house the REAL POWER! AWESOME! ROARSOME! POWER! OF HUMAN BEING.. YAH..I CAN GROWL LIKE A CROCODILE TO POWER MY CHI.. OR HOLY SPIRIT.. WHEN I LIFT 500LBS.. AT MY MILITARY GYM.. But it’s allowed there..as true warriors.. understand the SACRED WARRIOR SPIRIT.. CALL 2.. TO POWER ONE TO SUPERCULTURAL FEATS.. OF STRENGTH.. as in the local gym.. people would turn their nose up to experiences of power of HOLY SPIRIT like thIS.. AND ARGH..IN SOME other religious expressions.. they describe IT as JINN or demon possession needing an exorcism or something to repress this natural HUMAN.. POWER! but this is what culture does anyway.. repress the most powerful of all human potentials..moreover in our western cultures.. every day.. from the time we are born.. until now.. most sadly.. yes.. :( Well..in my life.. i experience three of what ‘they’ describe in Eastern cultures..as Kundalini spontaneous awakenings.. one at 21 after the depressing effects of being in college trapped in books away from human social interaction… At 47 at the bottom of total human exhaustion from severe chronic stress at work.. for a last gasp effort AT survival.. And YES! JULY 22nd 2013.. or somewhere around that date.. coming out of the most extremes of chronic human physical pain.. with 19 medically documented disorders.. including the worst pain known to mankind.. type two trigeminal neuralgia..also known as Sluder’s headache in some circles.. making the effective use of my eyes and ears impossible.. for the pain.. IS searing.. burning.. throughout my entire being.. from waking to sleeping.. for over 60 months.. And YES! the Kundalini Awakening.. bRINGS me back to life.. PAIN FREE ! AND STRONGER AND HEALTHIER THAN EVER.. REGENERATING.. MY BEING HUMAN INTO WHAT I EXPERIENCE.. AS A FREE CHILD ROAMING THIS EARTH ! SO YES…THE STUFF JESUS AND BUDDHA AND MUHAMMAD..AND ALL THE OTHER ENLIGHTENED FOLKS.. experience.. IS TRUE..! tHere IS a HIGHER COMPLETELY NATURAL POWER OF BEING HUMAN THAT IS ONLY LOST THROUGH THE REPRESSIVE AND OPPRESSIVE EFFECTS.. AND AFFECTS..! OF OUR MODERN CULTURES.. COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE.. AND YES.. SADLY AS A RESULT OF OUR COMPLEX LANGUAGE.. CLOUDING THE APPEARANCE OF WHAT WE ARE REaLLY AS CHILDREN OF GOD! AS ONE WitH ALL! I T IS ! NO W ! Well..my first two Kundalini awakening occur without any eastern cultural understanding of what IS going ON.. And! without guidance of understanding tHis higher power.. a person in a cultural overAll separated from tHis higher Power that IS GOD! can get lost in some very scary roads.. to balance tHis amazing power of human being.. BUT ThIS TIME WitH THE BLESSING OF PAIN..FINaLLY REMOVING ME FROM THE ILLUSIONS OF OUR COMPLEX.. BRAINWASHING..OPPRESSING..REPRESSING.. WESTERN MATERIALISTIC CULTURE.. i FIND BALANCE IN WALKING BACKWARDS..SACRED BELLY DANCE.. AND A TAI CHI WAY OF MOVEMENT EVERYWhERE I GO ! NOW! BUT ANYWAY.. HERE’S THE THING.. i alone cannot bring this higher power that IS GOD to one..not even to the most pious of so called Christians.. One finds it through one’s own path oneself… But to balance it when one finds it can be done.. i’m sure.. through leaving illusory fears behind..hate..jealousy..pride..dominance over other human beings.. and all of the other negative human being emotions and inclinations.. that bring folks to what is knownNOW as the REAL HUMAN HELL OF BEING NOW.. AS OPPOSED TO THE BLISS.. i and other humans around the world.. EXPERIENCE.. NOW! as a thousand years of heaven in simply NOWONEFOREVERMORE.. BEING AS ONE WITH GOD ! ALLITIS.. FOREVERMORE NOW ! And tHere IS NO WAY TO DEFEAT A NATURaLLy enlightened human being.. darkness of others.. only lights the fire of Awakening human beings.. even HIGHER ! WE ARE HERE TO SHARE THE LIGHT.. BUT WE CANNOT MAKE one DRINK THE LIFE ! AND YES..MANY OTHER FOLKS like me in popular culture..amazingly sing tHis song now! some of US HEAR! IT NOW !2! AS ONE wIThAllITiS! https://youtube/watch?v=f2JuxM-snGc
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:12:20 +0000

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