legitgov.org/#breaking_news Previous edition: US says Russia - TopicsExpress


legitgov.org/#breaking_news Previous edition: US says Russia violated 1987 nuclear missile treaty, calls breach a very serious matter, which Google relegated to the trash bin, of course. Google subscribers: Google Filter Instructions for CLG Newsletter. House Republicans Authorize Lawsuit Against Obama 30 July 2014 House Republicans on Wednesday voted to authorize a lawsuit against President Barack Obama for his use of executive actions...In a strict party-line 225-201 vote, Republican approved the legislation that accuses the president of exceeding his Constitutional authority by changing how his signature health care legislation was implemented. The measure does not require Senate approval. No Democrats voted for the bill. [When unelected sociopaths George W. Bush /Dick Cheney had almost 3,000 people killed during their 9/11 false flag; had anthrax sent from Fort Detrick to Democrats to pressure them to vote for the PATRIOT Act; were responsible for the deaths of over one million Iraqi civilians to enrich Halliburton, Blackwater, BP, Monsanto, and other corpora-terrorists; stole two elections; and *waterboarded* people-- where was the *lawsuit???* --LRP] WikiLeaks publishes unprecedented secret Australian court suppression order --The suppression order is itself suppressed. 30 July 2014 WikiLeaks has struck again, releasing the text of a secret court order that cannot be published in Australia. The anti-secrecy group has this morning published a Victorian Supreme Court suppression order that WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange describes as unprecedented in scope. The suppression order is itself suppressed. No Australian media organisation can legally publish the document or its contents. [Yeah, well, I dont live in Australia, so *here it is!*] Ebola: Doctors told to prepare for global outbreak after victim was allowed on two planes 29 July 2014 Doctors fear Ebola victim Patrick Sawyer may have sparked a worldwide spread of the killer disease after being allowed on two flights while infected. And tonight a desperate race was on to find dozens of passengers who flew on the same jets as the 40-year-old American. British doctors and border officials have been warned to be on the lookout for people in the UK showing signs of the disease. Lancaster University virologist Derek Gatherer said passengers, crew and airport ground staff who came into contact with Mr Sawyer could be in pretty serious danger. Global authorities on alert over Ebola outbreak 30 July 2014 Health officials in the United Kingdom and Hong Kong, fearing that the outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa could go global, have tested at least two airline passengers who have shown symptoms of the disease. The outbreak -- the largest in history -- has spread...and killed at least 672 people, according to the World Health Organization. The disease has no vaccine and no specific treatment. World stands disgraced: 20 killed in Israeli UN school shelling 30 July 2014 Twenty people have been killed after a shell hit the UNRWA girls school in Jabalia refugee camp, emergency services say. The UN condemned Israeli actions in the strongest possible terms, calling them a serious violation of international law. A UN official confirmed the shelling, saying that the missile hit a bathroom and two classrooms in the school, AFP reported. Carnage at U.N. school as Israel pounds Gaza Strip 30 July 2014 Israeli shelling killed at least 15 Palestinians sheltering in a U.N.-run school and another 17 near a street market on Wednesday, Gazas Health Ministry said, with no ceasefire in sight after more than three weeks of fighting. Israels security cabinet decided to continue its offensive in the enclave and there was no sign of a halt to a 23-day conflict in which 1,346 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have died. On the Israeli side, 56 soldiers and three civilians have been killed. Gaza conflict: Israeli market strike kills 17 30 July 2014 At least 17 people have been killed and 160 wounded in an Israeli strike that hit a fruit and vegetable market near Gaza City, Palestinian officials say. Hundreds of people were shopping in the market in Shejaiya, a spokesman for the Gaza health ministry said. The attack came during a four-hour truce called by the Israeli military. 3 IDF soldiers killed in booby-trapped tunnel shaft in Gaza 30 July 2014 Three soldiers from the elite Maglan unit were killed in a booby-trapped tunnel shaft in the southern Gaza Strip on Wednesday. The latest fatalities brought the military death toll to 56. An additional 27 soldiers were wounded Wednesday. ABC News Goes Inside Gaza With an Israeli Armored Unit 30 July 2014 The Cruel Lady rolled along. Thats the nickname the Israeli soldiers use to describe their armored personnel carrier, or APC - its basically an oven on wheels. ABC News [sic] traveled into Gaza on an APC with troops from the Israeli Defense Forces 188 Armored Brigade today, witnessing a rarely-seen side of Israels conflict with Hamas, now in its third week. The soldiers in The Cruel Lady were accompanied by two tanks, all under the command of Col. Tomer Ifrah. Situation atrocious: Russian Red Cross says E. Ukraine faces humanitarian catastrophe 30 July 2014 The Russian Red Cross is not alone in its efforts. Russian Human Rights Commissioner Ella Pamfilova has been trying to achieve the same goal. We have made requests to the Ukrainian authorities, OSCE representatives who are present there, and to the Red Cross, Pamfilova told RT. We ask all warring parties to grant us a humanitarian corridor to rescue children with severe illnesses. In order to leave the shelling zone, they need special transport and specialist medical help. Residential areas have come under fire in the east of Ukraine as Kievs forces continue their military operation there. EU adds 8 Russian individuals, 3 companies to sanctions list over Ukraine crisis 30 July 2014 In a new wave of restrictions targeting Russia, the EU has added eight top officials and businessmen, including a Kremlin administration official, and three major companies to its sanctions list. The restrictions came into effect immediately. EU and US impose new round of sanctions on Russia over Ukraine 29 July 2014 Both the European Union and the United States announced a new round of sanctions against Moscow on Tuesday, accusing the Kremlin of supporting anti-Kiev militias in eastern Ukraine and threatening to cripple the Russian economy. Russia repeatedly denied accusations that it is relocating troops to the Ukrainian borders and supplying anti-Kiev militias with arms. International monitoring groups, invited by Moscow, also didnt find any evidence of violations from the Russian side. Did US Fake Satellite Images to Show Russia Shelled Eastern Ukraine? 29 July 2014 Russia has said the United States has presented fake satellite images that showed Eastern Ukraine being shelled with rockets from Russian territory, and that the false evidence was created by US counsellors with close links to Ukraines Security Council. Saying that the authenticity of the images was impossible to prove, Russias Defense Ministry has insisted the images released by the US government were fake. Broken water main floods UCLA; 5 people rescued 30 July 2014 A broken water main near the UCLA campus Tuesday sent a geyser of water some 30 feet into the air, trapping people in underground parking garages and covering some of the best-known parts of campus in water, including the schools famed basketball arena. The 30-inch, 93-year-old pipe that broke under nearby Sunset Boulevard made a raging river of the street and sent millions of gallons of water across the schools athletic facilities, including the famed floor of Pauley Pavilion, as well as a pair of parking structures that took the brunt of the damage. [If US taxpayers didnt have to pay for Israels (and Kievs) war crimes, thered be funds available to fix 93-year-old pipes. --LRP] Conference committee approves $17B VA health bill 29 July 2014 House and Senate negotiators on Tuesday approved a 17 billion compromise bill to overhaul the Department of Veterans Affairs and reform a program scandalized by veterans long waits for health care and VA workers falsifying records to cover up delays. The vote by the 28-member conference committee sends the bill to the full House and Senate, where approval is expected later this week. The action comes as the Senate is set to vote Tuesday to confirm former Procter & Gamble CEO Robert McDonald as the new VA secretary, replacing Acting Secretary Sloan Gibson. Obama planning to give millions of illegal immigrants work permits and save them from deportation --Among the proposals: giving work permits to parents of children legally residing in the U.S. 29 July 2014 Even as they grapple with an immigration crisis at the border, White House officials are making plans to act before Novembers mid-term elections to grant work permits to potentially millions of immigrants who are in this country illegally, allowing them to stay in the United States without threat of deportation, according to advocates and lawmakers in touch with the administration...Advocates and lawmakers who were in separate meetings Friday said that administration officials are weighing a range of options including reforms to the deportation system and ways to grant relief from deportation to targeted populations in the country, likely by expanding Obamas two-year-old directive that granted work permits to certain immigrants brought here illegally as youths. That program, called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, has been extended to more than 500,000 immigrants so far...At the same time, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce says it is actively working to determine whether there are steps Obama could take by executive action that could help the business community. Octopus moms incredible record: 53 months with eggs in Monterey Bay --The deep-water octopus was a small one, with a mantle barely 8 inches from stem to stern. 30 July 2014 A steadfast little octopus living in the deep water of Monterey Bay has set an extraordinary record of animal motherhood, laying her clutch of eggs and brooding them nonstop for 53 straight months - apparently without pause for food or rest. No creature in the world, large or small, has ever approached such a feat, say biologists who watched over the octopus with cameras in an unmanned submarine from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. ***** CLG needs your support. legitgov.org/donate.html Or, please mail a check or m*ney order to CLG: Citizens for Legitimate Government (CLG) P.O. Box 1142 Bristol, CT 06011-1142 Contributions to CLG are not tax deductible. Feel free -- and CLG encourages you -- to forward this newsletter to your lists and friends! Those who wish to be added to the list can go here: legitgov.org/#subscribe_clg and add your name. Those who wish to leave list can go here: lists.people-link.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/legitgov. Please mark [email protected] as not sp*m and do not delete from a sp*m or junk folder. If you have any inquiries/issues with your subscription, please write: signup at legitgov dot org. CLG Editor-in-Chief: Lori Price. 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Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 02:14:27 +0000

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