management mcqsssss the term manager refers to anyone who - TopicsExpress


management mcqsssss the term manager refers to anyone who ________. Answer: has designated responsibilities for carrying out managerial activities What is the primary legacy of Frederick Taylor? Answer: one best way: standardized tools and tasks, standard quota and pay; piecework compensation; union opposition; congressional investigation As the regional manager of an accounting firm, Ruth is often required to attend ceremonial activities like attending a social function on behalf of the company or presiding at a farewell dinner of a departing employee. Which of the following is similar to the given scenario? Answer: figurehead role: emphasizes ceremonial activities such as attending a social function, welcoming a visiting dignitary, or presiding at a farewell reception Which of the following roles is an interpersonal role? Answer: Interpersonal roles: figurehead, leader, and liaison The ________ role emphasizes a managers contacts with those outside the formal chain of command. Answer: liaison In his capacity as the regional production manager, Mark Brown is required to address the regional heads from across the country in a quarterly meeting organized by his company. At this meeting, Mark presents the detailed production figures of his region and also outlines the changes he plans to implement in order to improve productivity. Mark is playing the role of a ________. Answer: spokesperson According to Mintzbergs theory of managerial functions, ________ roles include acting as an entrepreneur, a disturbance handler, a resource allocator, and a negotiator. Answer: decisional Jessica and Alex have been unable a decide who should do the teams work scheduling for the next one month, a task that is both complex and time consuming. As their manager, Melanie intervenes and tells them to jointly draw up the next months production schedule. Melanie is playing the role of a ________. Answer: disturbance handler When managers are called upon to make accommodations with other units or other organizations, they are functioning in the ________ role. Answer: negotiator ________ are important at all levels of the management, and a lack of these skills will usually limit managerial advancement, even when other skills exist. Answer: interpersonal skills According to the universal approach to ethical decision making, managers must first determine whether a course of action can apply to all people in all situations, then ask themselves whether ________. Answer: you would also want this applied to you. do unto others as you have them do unto everyone ________ is the degree to which people see an issue as an ethical one. Answer: moral intensity From an efficiency perspective, when the manager of a business ________, the self-interests of the owner are best achieved by serving the interests of society. Answer: is also the owner Actions that benefit shareholders but harm the other stakeholders would be viewed as ________ from the efficiency perspective but ________ from the social responsibility perspective. Answer: managerially responsible; socially irresponsible Corporations react to the various pressures and constituencies connected to the topic of social responsibility in different ways. Defenders ________. Answer: fight efforts that they see as resulting in greater restriction and regulation of their ability to maximize profits; operate @ edge of the law and actively seek legal loopholesin conducting business; change only when legally compelled Which of the following is an example of a reactor firm? Answer: Reactor firms: make changes when they feel that pressure from constituencies is sufficient such that nonresponsiveness could have a negative economic impact; ex: only change to recycled paper for boxes when pressure from customers becomes strong enough that nonresponsiveness would lead customers to boycott products Which of the following best explains the inside-out approach to strategic corporate social responsibility? Answer: managers can look inside the company at issues that are more rather than less important as a function of the companys strategy and business activities; ex: manager @ wal-mart looking inward When managers look at social issues in general terms of the extent to which they are problematic they are following the ________ approach to strategic corporate social responsibility. Answer: outside-out A(n) ________ is an employee who discloses illegal or unethical conduct on the part of others in the organization. Answer: whistle-blower The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibit payments to ________. Answer: foreign government officials to win govt contracts/ receive preferential treatment Of the following, ________ is a dimension of a countrys distinct institutional environment. Answer: consists of countrys rules, policies, and enforcement processes Brian, a senior manager in a logistics firm, has a democratic style of leadership. Brian is very approachable, and employees in his department are free to consult with him at any time. The culture in Brians department is one of ________. Answer: Low power distance ________ is the extent to which peoples identities are self-oriented and people are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families. Answer: individualism Which of the following is a characteristic of collectivism? Answer: Concerned with group dynamic and decisions. Collectivism can create strong ties of loyalty. In the workplace, collectivism can mean focusing on more intrinsic rewards, such as mastering a new skill or technique. Less emphasis is placed on maintaining and promoting personal opinions; instead, management emphasizes harmony and cooperation. A foreign company can enter a new market via ________ agreements that allow a local firm in the new market to manufacture and distribute the foreign companys product. Answer: licensing ________ are cooperative arrangements between two firms in which they agree to share resources to accomplish a mutually desirable goal. Answer: strategic alliances ________ is the rapid development of trust in teams with positive and reciprocal communications about the teams task activities. Answer: swift trust Which of the following is a requirement for swift trust? Answer: teams manager must help members communicate w/one another in a positive way, coordinate their efforts, quickly eliminate misunderstandings; significant cultural knowledge/ sensitivity in addition to effective managerial skills; builds unified vision/ emphasizes collaborative outcomes Managing multicultural teams, competing in international markets, and managing international operations all require managers to develop a ________. Answer: global mindset Nobelle, a chocolatier based in France, produces candy containing exotic ingredients from the rain forests of Brazil. The ingredients are provided by a single supplier who has an exclusive contract with Nobelle. The chocolate manufacturer thus has a great deal of power over the market. This is an example of ________. Answer: Competitive Advantage Which of the following is the first step in the strategic management process? Answer: determination of the firms strategic vision ________ are those that lead to new features and capabilities in existing products or to completely new products. Answer: product technological changes Federal spending pushes the federal deficit up, causing an increase in interest rates. What is the LEAST likely result of this occurrence? Answer: money becomes more expensive for firms to borrow and therefore, they borrow less; expand business activities @ slower pace/ fewer contracts; contributes to unemployment; reduces consumer spending ________ involve a countrys infrastructure, such as roads, telecommunications, air links, arable land, deep water harbors, mineral resources, forests, and climate. Answer: physical forces Which of the following would lead to higher profits for an industry?--think econ Answer: few competitors, quality-based competition, high entry barriers, few new entrants, few substitutes, many costomers, fragmented customers, many suppliers Which of the following is a primary value chain activity? Answer: Primary activities: directly involved in the creation of a product or service and distributing it to the customer ________ strategies focus on the operations of each function and their contribution to help the firm achieve a competitive advantage. Answer: unit-level SockUp is a company that manufactures socks of different sizes, types, and colors for men, women, and children. The company aims at being the lowest-cost provider and charges slightly lower than the market price. This is an example of ________. Answer: cost leadership strategy Which of the following business plans has the broadest scope? Answer: strategic Which of the following organizational levels is also known as the strategic business unit? Answer: business level Ned heads the finance department of a business. At which organizational level is Ned functioning? Answer: Functional Level A Gantt chart can help managers devise an action plan in all of the following ways EXCEPT ________. Answer: Accountability? A manager at a local bookstore is about to allocate extra floor space to an espresso counter when a new coffee shop opens next door. He stops implementation of his plan and instead looks into opening a juice bar. This an example of which of the following? Answer: making real-time adjustments A catering company manager is proposing the purchase of a new van to enable the company to handle more deliveries. She is working on ________. Answer: capital expenditure budget Based on the available forecasts, a business sales are expected to drop 20 percent in the current year as compared to the previous year. Which of the following will be a cascading effect of this forecast? Answer: Cascading Effect: mgrs keep track of changes to develop appropriate objectives and action plans. For Example: 33% reduction in homes built by builder leads to lower revenue, less workers, etc... The sales forecasts for the summer season for LocoPoco, a beverage company, indicated increased demand for its colas. However, the actual sales were 30 percent lower than expected. Which of the following could explain the apparent discrepancy above? Answer: Emergence of substitutes, economic downturn, new competitors in market What sort of interdependence exists when two or more groups within a company depend upon one another for inputs? Answer: reciprocal interdepence ________ organizations tend to be slower at making decisions and responding to changes in the business environment. As a result, these organizations tend to be best suited to stable external environments. Answer: formal/centralized Ken Langley is a production supervisor in an automobile manufacturing firm. After evaluating Kens managerial capabilities, some members of the senior management feel that average productivity would improve if more workers are assigned to him. However, some managers are skeptical about Kens ability to handle more workers. Which of the following statements, if true, would weaken the argument favoring increased span of control? Answer: Centralized companies use a narrow span of control so that the fewer the people a manager has to supervise, the more closely the manager can oversee and control them. Usually, the more routine the tasks are, the wider span of control (more employees to a supervisor) is okay because the employees have a certain routine or predictable tasks. Also, the stronger the capabilities, the wider the span of control could be. Pfizer, a pharmaceutical company, operates in over 40 countries around the world, and many of the larger-country units enjoy considerable freedom and autonomy. Thus, it can be said that Pfizer exemplifies a(n) ________ mode of decision making. Answer: decentralized A ________ consists of two organizational structures superimposed on each other. As a consequence, one person essentially reports to two bosses. Answer: matrix structure SLPL Limited adheres to a strategy that allows managers to focus on core competencies or the activities that are most likely to yield competitive advantage. In doing so, SLPL outsources most of the activities in its value chain to other companies, retaining just a few elements. From the above example, it can be concluded that SLPL has a ________ structure. Answer: high networked Which of the following is a core category of environmental complexity? Answer: categories include: products, customers, technology, competitors, suppliers, geogpraphy Auto parts manufacturer JEG Inc. has a number of vacancies at lower management levels and wants to fill the positions from within the company itself rather than recruit externally. The company plans to e-mail the job specifications to all employees and post the jobs on the company Web site. Which of the following is a disadvantage of job posting? Answer: disadvnatges inculde underqualified people applying for the job and having to deal with explaining to these people why the did not get the job, this may make them think if the job was ever open, generates skepticism, limits pool of candidates, lawsuits Which of the following is the best definition of a valid selection technique? Answer: screening process that can differentiate between those who would be more successful in the job and those that would be less successful ________ skill development programs include a variety of skills and abilities, such as problem solving, decision making, planning, and organizing. Answer: Conceptual The practice of moving individuals to various types of jobs within the organization at the same level or next-immediate-higher level for periods of time from an hour or two to as long as a year is known as ________. Answer: Cross functional job rotation JEG recently evaluated its manufacturing processes and discovered that the monotonous nature of jobs was contributing to employee dissatisfaction. As manufacturing worked on an assembly-line system, each employee had to repetitively add just a single part to the product. JEG decided to form the employees into teams and have each team assemble a complete product together. This effort by JEG to make the work more interesting for its employees is known as ________. Answer: Reengineering ________ involve(s) the termination of groups of employees because of economic or business reasons. Answer: layoffs Which of the following is a valid observation about organizational leadership? Answer: It attempts to influence other people in attaining organizational goals An individuals drive refers to a(n)________. Answer: A high level of energy, effort, and persistence in the persuit of objectives. Transformational leaders ________. Answer: Emphasize leadership traits that motivate others make changes or achieve high levels of success Which of the following situations can be seen as an application of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory? Answer: Applications: types of relationships that develop between a leader and a follower; leaders task = build strong, mutually respectful and satisfying relationships What is the central concept of Fiedlers leadership contingency theory? Answer: You have only one leadership style! Which of the following is the best example of a leadership substitute? Answer: high levels of training, experience, or ability; intrinsically rewarding task, support/advisory staff, direct feedback from the task, professional orientation, cohesive work group (with positive performance norms) To begin motivating an apathetic associate, a manager informally questions her about her satisfaction with her jobs ability to provide safety, social interaction, self-respect, and opportunities for growth. What theory of motivation is this manager most likely trying to apply in working with the associate? Answer: maslows need hierarchy The three basic categories of needs identified by Alderfer in his ERG theory are ________. Answer: Existance Relatedness Growth While they agree that satisfaction is a factor in motivation, scholars note that there is little evidence that increasing employee satisfaction actually increases motivation. This has led them to criticize the ________ as being overly simplistic. Answer: two-factor theory A software engineer believes that if she can complete her current project on time she will get her much awaited promotion to the ranks of a team leader. However, she doubts her capability of completing the project on time. Within the context of expectancy theory, what level of motivation would the engineer have and why? Answer: Effort to Performance A call center manager hopes to improve the performance of her staff by decreasing the average time spent on a call. First, she sets up a performance board where the average length of a call for the previous week is posted and compared to the average call length for the preceding four weeks. Then, she encourages the staff to reduce the average. According to goal-setting theory, how could she improve this scheme? Answer: Instead of comparing to previous weeks as a goal, use a percentage of previous weeks as the goal. A production supervisor receives a bonus for each day a project is completed ahead of schedule. This is an example of ________. Answer: Incentive Plan Groups composed of individuals who are very dissimilar to each other are known as ________. Answer: Friendships/Informal ________ emerges when a member has to fulfill two or more contrasting sets of expectations. Answer: Role Conflict The product development team at JEG were working together for a year and were very comfortable with an informal style of working. However, the new manager who stepped in preferred to use a more formal style during meetings and team interactions, as this was the way he had always worked. Which of the following is most similar to this situation? Answer: this situation is about norms and norming; the team had already normed behavior and the manager was importing new norms High levels of group cohesion ________. Answer: positive effects: increased quality and quantity of group interactions, strengthened adherence to group norms, increased effectiveness in achieving group goals, augmented individual satisfaction with group member ship. negative effects: counterproductive norms may be emphasized, useful or creative ideas may be ignored if they deviate from established norms or values, increased probability of developing groupthink, potential decrease in intergroup cooperation ________ conflict arises when group members possess divergent ideas or approaches to attaining goals. Answer: Task Which of the following is most likely to be the content of an upward communication in an organization? Answer: Messages sent from lower organization levels to higher levels A(n) ________ is a communication route that the organization doesnt prespecify but that develops through the interpersonal activities of employees. Answer: Informal communication Channel A manager is considering three staff members as possible candidates for a new position. One morning, she asks each of them, in private, whether they might be interested in taking up the post. She also asks them not to discuss the offer with anyone. At a function after work, she is approached by several staff members. They ask A manager is considering three staff members as possible candidates for a new position. One morning, she asks each of them, in private, whether they might be interested in taking up the post. She also asks them not to discuss the offer with anyone. At a function after work, she is approached by several staff members. They ask her about the new position they have heard about on the grapevine. What important feature of informal communication channels does this scenario illustrate? Answer: Information Flow can be very fast ________ refers to the process of screening out some parts of an intended message because they contradict our beliefs or desires. Answer: Selective Perception Which of the following characteristics is found in a high-context culture? Answer: Read into body language more than words The ________ focuses on the decision maker as a satisficer. Answer: Rational Model Which of the following statements is true about individual and group decision making? Answer: technology affects both Which of the following occurs when agreement among members becomes so dominant that it overrides a realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action? Answer: Group Think Groups suffering from groupthink tend to minimize the seriousness of the doubts members raise and put tremendous pressure on them to agree to the groups consensus. This symptom of groupthink is known as ________. Answer: Self Censorship Which of the following statements is true about the Delphi technique? Answer: Uses Questionaire Which of the following is true of TQM? Answer: Focuses on quality Sandra, the operations manager of the Zara clothing chain, is informed that the summer line requires certain materials that are not available locally. She recalls having used the same raw materials two summers ago from a niche supplier. Which of the following should she use to solve this issue? Answer: materaials requirement planning What are stock outs? Answer: When you have trouble getting products to customers when they want them Production of Slivers latest small car, the Beetle, has been a dramatic improvement compared to its previous product, Quiver. The production target of 2,000 Beetle cars per day has been reached only within 10 weeks since the launch date, which was less than the time they needed for Quiver. Which of the following, if true, would suggest that Sliver adopted a JIT strategy for the Beetle? Answer: Reduces Inventory, Improves Productivity, and Increases Customer Satisfaction ________ are achieved when the per-unit allocation of fixed costs and, therefore, the total cost per unit go down as more units are produced. Answer: Economies of Scale Control can be thought of as a causal variable because ________. Answer: the results of control efforts can inform and improve the planning process of the organization. Which of the following best defines standard in relation to establishing control? Answer: performance target, strategic vision/goals Department A shows an annual after-tax profit of $400,000 from invested assets of $12 million. Department B shows an annual after-tax profit of $400,000 from invested assets of $8 million. Which unit had the best financial performance? Answer: department B Which of the following controls the quality, quantity, and characteristics of the inputs into the production process? Answer: precontrol of operations Proponents of the balanced scorecard approach to control assert that it ________. Answer: is an integrated/ balanced set of measures fro 4 critical areas (perspectives); 4 perspectives = traditional financial, customer, internal business, learning/ innovation; broader view of company IBF Industries, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and marketer of skin care and solar filters in the United States. The company is a market leader in the U.S., and the demand for its products has been static over the last five quarters. In order to achieve better growth, the management is now planning to develop its business by entering the Canadian market. Which of the following information, if true, would most support the managements decision to develop the market? Answer: Economic Conditions Googles purchase of YouTube exemplifies its ________ of the need to enhance its mission of organizing the worlds information and making it universally useful and accessible. Answer: strategy The line managers at Harmony Corp. believe that the introduction of the customer care hotline facility has been a huge mistake. They are overwhelmed by the number of complaints that come in each day, most of which are due to faulty usage and not faulty products. The top executives at Harmony believe that the hotline will prove its worth over time. What inference can be drawn from this scenario? Answer: people are resistant to change especailly when they only see hardhips and mistakes; inefficient and therefore get bad results; management knows it takes time The essence of an organizational development (OD) approach to change is ________. Answer: emphasis on planned strategic, long-range efforts focusing on people and their interrelationships in organizations
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 15:19:32 +0000

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