much falsehood and treason ... are those moments that it is best - TopicsExpress


much falsehood and treason ... are those moments that it is best not exist .... hurts deeply and reaches deep pain when playing with your honesty, loyalty and trust ... it is sad that greed will win your principles, essential codes of friendship, those who have no testicles enough to deal with things .... are so poor ... they hurt ... the pride that blinds, that they take away something as essential as loyalty and good pleasure of those who were loyal from those who were nothing ...... never give up,,, for some cases more than them TRADUCCION tanta falsedad y traicion...son estos momentos que lo mejor es no existir....hiere profundamente y cala hondo el dolor cuando juegan con tu sinceridad, lealtad y triste que la avaricia le gane a tus principios, codigos indispensables de amistad; aquellos que no tienen los testiculos suficiente para para enfrentar las cosas....son tan pobres ...dan soberbia que los enceguece, que les quitan algo tan esencial como es la lealtad y el beneplacito de quienes estuvieron leales desde quien no eras nadie......nunca hay que darse por vencido,,,por algo sos mas que ellos!!!
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 04:31:12 +0000

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