multiple personality COMING SOON - TopicsExpress


multiple personality COMING SOON characters: Hannah- a girl who is part of the popular group but shes not mean. she has to faces. she hides her other face from people... who knows why... jules- the boy Hannah has a crush on spencer- the boy who doesnt really care about anything he hangs out with the popular boy gang. Jordan-friends with Hannah and the leader or the popular girl group lily- the sassy one of the girl gang sarah- the weird one friends- the popular friends in the girl gang and they really dont care about what anyone does MORAL: if you cant accept someone now they wont accept you later.... INTRODUCTION: Hannah is a 15 year old girl with a HUGE secret... her friends always hang out with her but they really are hypocrites. They dont like the fact that Hannah like a popular boy called jules. spencer, jules spencers best friend tell him to stop caring about the popular girl gang and start caring more about sports but jules doesnt listen....sooner in class they all discover Hannass horrible secret and her friends start calling her two-faced Hannah but the boys still like her (figure out why) is she prettier or uglier ? ...COMING SOON...
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 23:30:48 +0000

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