my conversation with a playstation support tech. his name appears - TopicsExpress


my conversation with a playstation support tech. his name appears to be William William: Hello, My name is William how may I assist you today? William: Are you still there? You: yes You: sorry William: Go ahead, please. You: ive been trying to log into psn. it says under your site that its under maitenance and has said that since I got off work yesterday. I asked my friends about it and they say they arent having any trouble logging on to PSN. I can connect to the internet fine on my platform. Ive rebooted my router, playstation, checked and tested connection and it fall short on PSN. Is it really still down for repair for this long? William: I understand, let me advise you that due to a flash sale published yesterday our servers may be under high traffic of downloads. You: ok but this as been going on for hours and hours You: and i pay to use it You: so its not under repair? William: Yes, since yesterday. You: how is it that my friend can log on then? William: That will be OK, during the rest of the day. William: Because we have many servers. You: so im just lucky to not be able to play the games i want and purchased on my day off? You: for who knows how long William: And let me explain that the server are under high traffic of downloads, so there is a possibility works for some users. William: That would be during the rest of the day. You: i have been trying to log on over and over and over You: and there has been no window You: so how the hell is everyone downloading stuff for over half of a day You: \ You: that you should know would be a high traffic day You: and you not be prepared for it You: and now, myself as a paying customer, has to suffer for it? You: let me explain You: that this is ridiculous You: so for christmas eve and christmas my server will be down You: and you think thats ok You: thats your excuse You: is that you have all these people who have been online for 15 straight h ours downloading crap You: that i cant log on William: I apologize the inconveniences it may caused you. You: i want more than apologies William: OK. William: Sorry for all the trouble. You: i want to be able to play my games William: Is that OK? You: i want reimbursment for what ive paid to play and not be able to You: i want more than excuses because so far theres nothing that youve said that shows me any kind of concern or efforts to remedy my issue You: no... apologizing and saying sorry are the same thing You: theyre synonyms You: synonyms are two different words that mean the same thing William: Thank you for the clarification. Yu got it. You: anytime William: In order to request the refund, have you already downloaded the games? You: i have hard copies of games that require PSN to play You: thats my issue You: and that ive paid for the yearly use of PSN plus You: and i cant use what i paid for You: 2 days in a row William: Let me advise you that if a game has already been used or downloaded, the refund cannot be requested, sorry for that. You: ok You: so what about what else i said? William: Is there anything else I can assist you with today? You: that im PAYING TO PLAY online with psn and because of SONY i am not getting what i PAID for You: yes there is You: the actual You: majority of my issue You: is not resolved William: It appears you are busy at the moment. I will need to discontinue this conversation. Thanks for contacting us today. You: and nothing apprears You: what You: are you talking about You: and nothing appears to be resolved or seem to have any efforts in being resolved You: im typing 4x more messages than you You: how the piss does it seeem like im busy? The chat has been ended by the agent.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 16:33:26 +0000

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