ne Reddit user decided to ask this question: “ What is the best - TopicsExpress


ne Reddit user decided to ask this question: “ What is the best horror story you can come up with in two sentences ?” Some of the responses you’re about to see are absolutely terrifying. It’s crazy how just two simple sentences can send chills down your spine. You might want to keep your lights on for these, better yet….. just don’t got to sleep tonight. 1. My daughter won’t stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn’t help. 2. The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open. 3. I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I thought it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again. 4. I can’t move, breathe, speak or hear and it’s so dark all the time. If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have been cremated instead. 5. After working a hard day, I came home to see my girlfriend cradling our child. I didn’t know which was more frightening, seeing my dead girlfriend and stillborn child, or knowing that someone broke into my apartment to place them there. 6. My sister says that mommy killed her. Mommy says that I don’t have a sister. 7. “I can’t sleep,” she whispered, crawling into bed with me. I woke up cold, clutching the dress she was buried in. 8. I begin tucking him into bed and he tells me, “Daddy, check for monsters under my bed.” I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, “Daddy, there’s somebody on my bed.” 9. A girl heard her mom yell her name from downstairs, so she got up and started to head down. As she got to the stairs, her mom pulled her into her room and said, “I heard that, too..
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 08:19:24 +0000

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