non-denominational creed Since the beginning of times, humans - TopicsExpress


non-denominational creed Since the beginning of times, humans have felt a spiritual connection to an unexplained source of light, a superior being, our creator. Accurate in our belief that we are not eternal nor almighty, we seek our own path to that mystical beacon light as if to fill our need to obtain truth and understanding of the unpleasant things we go through in this life. And we have given multiple names and implemented doctrines and religious denominations to appease our curiosity and lack of understanding. One day, over 21 centuries ago, we met a new kind of human being capable of showing all our best qualities as human. His actions emanated strictly from love through constant display of compassion, understanding, forgiveness and generosity. As if mastering well how to block our human dark nature, Jesus showed men how to live a life of good—a life that would prove extremely satisfying and superior to our then current traditions and lifestyles of excess, ego, power and lust . Even today that new way of living is emulated by all cultures in every corner of the world in their own practical ways. But knowing that men are imperfect, we were sent a role model to guide us. Someone of flesh and blood that could show us the way by example and that we could relate to. He was sent as a reminder of our good nature. Whether we chose to label this man or create doctrines to follow Him after His departure, the essence of His teachings is equally true. His message remains focused on those same principles He so well demonstrated throughout his life. The unparalleled purity of His nature made Him unique and trustworthy. The fruit of His teachings remains among us, but dissected and divided as our own imperfect human nature would consider it proper. In all this time, men have not learned to apply the concept of equality which was emphatically taught by Jesus. Our human ego has superseded His teachings and we have come up with selfish ways of living his perfect doctrine. We now have hundreds of interpretations of this basic and elementary message He shared with the world. Somehow we felt as if man-made modifications to His teachings were needed for man to follow. Once again, we acted imperfectly human as when we brutally crucified this kind soul. It’s been said that “People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they’re not on your road doesn’t mean they’ve gotten lost.” This true statement acknowledges that there are multiple ways to fulfillment and happiness. That we have created multiple denominations for reaching that truth that all men seek, but according to Jesus’ teachings, there is only one way to this truth and it is only through His son Jesus Christ, period. Maybe if we focus on imitating His gestures and actions more frequently as opposed to worshiping doctrines, we may have discovered a way to bond as humans and delete any existing religious differences between cultures. A major milestone for humanity. It definitely feels like if men have become more interested in worshiping than imitating the life of Jesus and that has brought spiritual division between men. Definitely, not what Jesus taught us. Let’s implement a new culture of imitators of our Jesus and stop labeling religion. Let’s not worship over imitating our role model. Let’s let Him know through our similar actions that his sacrifice and visit was not in vain, and we could only do so by imitating Him. May religious denominations become a thing of the past before long. May we all do more and preach less. May we focus on living more as Jesus lived and let others live. I humbly pray.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 14:12:40 +0000

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