ok! or Right!!! B.T.F.R.O. NEXT Saturday. Meeting held today, - TopicsExpress


ok! or Right!!! B.T.F.R.O. NEXT Saturday. Meeting held today, anyone whod like to help out with The Drop Off System on the day please let us know and well get you to the front. Please read the rules below again.as some parts of the route are narrow country lanes. Ive done this rather than most ride outs (sticking to major roads) due to the fact that I have ridden these routes many times. and the views are OUTSTANDING!!! Anyone not sure about something in the rules please ask on the day. A BRIDGE TOO FAR RIDEOUT SAFETY RULES Participating on a group ride is not the same as going for a ride alone or with a couple of mates. The people you normally ride with are almost always compatible, after all, that is one of the main reasons why you and your mates ride together. The group ride is somewhat different, in that the group ride will generally consist of larger numbers of riders and will contain a more diverse range of experience and type of motor bike. The ultimate aim of any ride within a group is to have fun, however, the safety of the group (and other road users) is paramount and so all riders must be prepared to ride at the pace of the group. A well run group ride out also helps to enhance the reputation of motorcyclists in general. If you join the ride out, stick to the rules. 1. Ride in staggered formation when appropriate. 2. Ride no closer than 2 seconds from the bike in front of you. 3. Keep the bike behind you in your mirrors. 4. Ride with your headlights on at all times. 5. Do not overtake the bike if front of you unless safety or road conditions dictate this. 6. When stopping and parking up as a group give consideration to other road users. 7. IF YOU FEEL IT ISNT SAFE THEN DONT DO IT Briefing Responsibilities for the day, i.e. lead rider, initial ‘No2′ rider, back marker; Route to be taken; Issue maps/route card when appropriate; Planned stops or rendezvous points; Identify new or inexperienced riders; Reminder of our basic rules; Any other issues/questions. Lead rider Lead rider will remain the same for the day unless through prior agreement. Lead rider will not depart until the back marker indicates that all bikers are ready. Lead rider will always set off at a slightly slower pace to allow time for others to join gaps in traffic but not at such a pace, which impedes other road users. Lead rider should regulate the speed of the rideout but always within the speed limit. Always be aware of the dynamics of the group with those further behind having to ride harder and faster to keep up. If the Lead Rider feels the group is too strung out or feels someone may be missing then he should find a safe place to stop to allow all riders to re-group. Lead rider will set a good example at all times. your bike must be in good mechanical order , taxed and have a current MOT. You must have a valid motorcycle licence and current motor insurance You are in charge of your motorcycle at all times and BTFRO will not accept any responsibility for actions you take or any accidents you may have. Always ride within your own capabilities and do not put others at risk. Remember, while you are on the BRIDGE TOO FAR rideout you are representing the site and what it stands for. Please be gentle with me as its my first time of planning a major ride out I dont . expect everything to run too smoothly but if you dont mind and no one gets injured I can live with that. Main objectives: 1 Have a great day out 2 Meet new friends 3 See some fantastic country side 4 Learn some new Ride out routes 5 Raise LOTS of money Really looking forward to meeting everyone. Feedback at the end (as long as its not TOO violent will be appreciated. Who knows this could be an annual ride out. Maybe with more people camping out next time :O) Thank you all for your support and donations. We will also be giving out small Headlight stickers to show you have paid :O) Thanks to Mike Grant Trevor Lewis Signs Have a GREAT day Bryan Jones and The Clueless Bikers Team
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:47:37 +0000

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