ok,.. so Im 34 yrs old, and we went to Mecacon this weekend. On - TopicsExpress


ok,.. so Im 34 yrs old, and we went to Mecacon this weekend. On sat late afternoon, i started to sweat and get short of breath, and I started getting back and chest pain. it got worse as the evening went on, so My husband took me to the hospital. My heart rate was high then low then high, blood work showed clotting factor, so I was admitted. Early the next morning, I was scheduled for an emergency Stress test on my heart. Late that afternoon, the Dr. came in quietly, he held my hand, sat down next to me, told me my stress test came out positive for heart Disease. there was an area in the top of my heart that was also questionable, I think it was an Arterial artery blockage. I am 34 years old I cried. how can I have heart disease at 34 years old. the Dr. says we need to do a coronary angiogram asap, to check for a blockage and possibly put a stent into the artery. Scared half to death, I went in for the coronary angiogram. They enter in from your groin, and go all the way up into your heart through all the blood ways to check for blood clots or blockages. the nurse came out to see my husband, and said the procedure went great and I have a beautiful heart! Then the results came back from my EKG and I also had an ultrasound of my heart. I have a week area in my heart in the artery and I have mitral valve prolapse as well. I now have a Cardiologist I will have to see for the rest of my life, and I have to be on a heart healthy diet for the rest of my life. to prevent a blockage in my artery. I caught this early the dr. said. someone was looking out for me the dr. said. so, Hello Everyone, I am 34 years old and I have Heart Disease, and I am going to live with it, and I am going to take care of myself and be there for my family and my children!! I learned heart disease does not care about your age either! so pls take care of yourselves! this goes to my sisters as well, since heart disease runs in our family. Get checked pls! stop smoking, change your diet! I have never been so scared in my life as I have been in the hospital this past 3 days. Its very real, and I asked the doctor when he told me.. what do I do now? his answer to me, is that I caught it early before a blockage occurred, its a good thing, now how I take care of myself from this point on will determine, if i live a good life or end up back in this hospital bed again!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 01:36:13 +0000

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