ok so heres the story i met this girl a little less than a year - TopicsExpress


ok so heres the story i met this girl a little less than a year ago started off we chilled together watch tv or whatever i met her thru her brother at the time she had a bf but after chilling with her alot i started liking on her she knew it at the same time i knew she was liking on me but the thing i told her do not break up with your bf becuz of me if you break up with him make sure the reason is legitimate. so time passes and they eventually break up few weeks later me and her get together time passes and alot has gone on her sister chose to move out and live eith her bf leaving a chick living in their apt who she really wasnt on good terms wit. Me being the type of person i am i stepped up helped her with bills put food in her house provided her with the entertainment she needed ect. She gets sick one day to the point where she is throwing up i stay by her side and nerse her back to health i called my mother who stopped what she was doing to come pick us up take her to her fathers house to get an insurance card let her get checked out paid for the visit and the meds and she eventually gets better rough times come by as i transitioned to another job and she was only get one day on her work schedule we didnt have the money to pay rent and she had no where she could go i call my father and begged him to take us in even offering to pay rent at the place i was raised time goes by and things seem to be cool until she suddenly starts to want to go by her so called PEOPLE house while at the time im going thru things with my health because i have chrones disease which i had a near death experience with in 2010. As im in the hospital she tells her sister she cant do it she can deal with me being sick and so on. So she starts to spend time away from me at her PEOPLE house and i noticed she started acting different i get a call from her little brother and he tells me that shes been staying with some guy she met by her sisters house and when i asked her about it she claims oh hes been giving me advise. She tells me shes decided to live in New Orleans which sounded fishy because she just got a job at Dominos but she eventually breaks up with me she states that she need some time to be alone and get herself together and thing in that category so i asked her to promise me and just keep it 100 with me because she claimed she didnt want to do it and she wants things to end on a good note and she made the promise that everything she said was true shes not seeing anyone else she just need time to herself. Yesterday at the varsity me and her brother are standing outside and all of a sudden she comes walking out of chimes hugged up with some dude and at that moment my heart instantly dropped i felt so hurt and betrayed that she couldnt be honest with me and i sacrificed so much for her im always the one to get messed over and this shit gets old im sorry if i put this on your TL and you not tryna hear this but im just venting cuz im really hurt if yall feel that im trippen let me know so i can have some kind of insight but i honestly feel i was done wrong
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 14:19:35 +0000

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