ok, someone sent me a msg and here was it and my response, if he - TopicsExpress


ok, someone sent me a msg and here was it and my response, if he ever replies i will post it as well, i wont post his name, im sure he means well, but this shit pisses me off, Msg From: _________ If you were to die tonight, Where would you spend eternity> and if you think there is no other place to spend any existance, how com e humans can reason and there is no evidence animals can Today Josh Lawson 8:54pm Josh Lawson Hello ________, sorry it took me so long to respond, your msg to me went to my other folder and i just now checked it, im not sure on how you saw my profile, i can only imagine you are friends with someone who i made a comment about religion on, and felt it was your christian duty to send me a msg full of really stupid things, Thank you for being concerned of what would happen to me if i were to die tonight, cause trying to make people believe what you do out of fear is a really positive way to prove your right, truthfully when i die, my body will most likely be buried in the ground at one of the local cemeteries in my county, and there it will stay until eventually decomposing and being reabsorbed into the environment adding nutrients into the ground from which new life will use to continue the cycle of life that has been going on this planet for the last 4.5 billion years or so. I do not wonder where my existence was in the year 1846 so i doubt i will wonder where my existence will be in 2146 or anytime later, Ill be dead, and wont much care, as for reason, if you mean reason as the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic, and you think that humans are the only animals able to do this, then you sir dont know much about the animal kingdom. Chimpanzees form complex family structures, use tools, solve problems and can learn to use sign language. just today i saw a video of an Elephant painting a picture of another elephant, and elephants also bury their dead. I have watched dogs drag other dogs from the middle of a busy highway, squirrels work for hours to figure out a way into a bird feeder to retrieve the seeds. these are just a few of the countless examples of how most creatures on this planet can use their brains to figure things out, I say most because obviously you sir are not able to do this. you expect me to accept, as i am assuming you do, that a few thousand years ago a being of unknown origin just poofed this planet and all the universe into being, that in his intelligent design, forgot to make a female human so he poofed one from a rib, the same woman who was later deceived by a talking snake to eat an piece of fruit, giving the the knowledge of good and evil, right and wrong, and for this great sin, having knowledge your god then cursed all of mankind for all eternity. now a great flood , burning bush, talking donkey and a baby born of a virgin later, the only way he could forgive mankind for the sins he judged us to to begin with, is by sacrificing himself to himself so he can then make us say were sorry for all the stuff we do and love him or he will burn us in a pit of fire? i guess that about sums it up right? oh i forgot hes coming back on a flying horse and the the dead are going to rise like some b zombie flick, thats important stuff there. You expect me to believe all that cause some bronze age people wrote it down in a book that is ok with rape, slavery and genocide, and infanticide, just because you say so. you sir are the one who seems unable to use reason. Ever wonder why god is separated by borders, people in the US are mostly christian, had you been born in Saudi Arabia you would have been Muslim, is the border of a country too much to stop the true word of god? even amongst Christians they believe that many others are not true Christians for example if you were born in Utah good chance you would be Morman and wearing magic underwear, (they really do look it up) i bet God agrees with you on everything doesnt he? ever wonder why? no you havent, because you dont use reason. So next time you decide to msg an Atheist with some lame crap, you better have your shit a little bit more together. Have a nice day.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 01:00:10 +0000

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