okay guys, heres the story im writing for my little sisters for - TopicsExpress


okay guys, heres the story im writing for my little sisters for x-mas. these bracelets( which i havent bought yet) will be real life and ill give it to my sisters with the presents. you can see some of my illustration so far in previous posts. ignore all my grammar and stuff im not a writer and this is totally unedited. if you have any suggestion, feel free to comment them. The Princess Powers Eleanor and Lillian Once upon a time in a land far away there was a kingdom atop a marvelous green mountain where a king and queen lived easily. During the early dawn of May 1st two beautiful twin sisters were born. The first-and oldest was bestowed with the name Eleanor-or Elena for short- which meant the bright shining one. She was born with spring green eyes and the same black hair as her father-King Archambault. Upon her birth she was given a (warm colored) bracelet that molded itself around her wrist and would grow as she did. The second child was named Lilly- well actually Lillian, but she was too sweet and simple to be fit with such an elegant name and her family continued to call her Lilly. Lilly had bright blue eyes and shimmering blonde hair. Just like Elena, Lilly was also given a (blue?) bracelet that would forever conform to the shape of her petite wrist. What the girls didnt know was that these were magical bracelets. Once the bracelet was placed on its rightful owners wrists, it could never come off. These bracelets also gave the girls extraordinary powers; at just the age of 9 months, Elena was already moving objects with her mind. For a long time no one could figure out what Lillys power was. It was a dark night when Lilly and Elena were running all over the house, hair in pigtails, voices screeching in glee, and echoes bouncing off the wide walls. Lilly ran into the living room, head swung over her shoulders searching for Elena when she bumped into a vase that then shattered and fell onto the floor. A minute of complete stillness was broken when their mother started mournfully picking up the pieces muttering something about it being her mother’s vase. In a clouded mess of emotion Lillys mother grabbed onto lilies wrists, shaking her. That is when Lillies bracelet activated and began to glow as her mother sagged beneath her. Lilly had wiped her mother’s memories from the past month. For the next few weeks as the king decided what to do, the girl’s bracelets began to react violently towards each other. Like magnets with like poles refusing to get near each other without doing anything they can to prevent it. Fires erupted, more vases were destroyed, and electricity shorted out whenever the girls were near. at the end of the week the king summoned a gray and white wolf pup to take his banished daughter Lilly away from their kingdom, but first her made her use her power on herself. With no memories and a new wolf friend, Lilly was as far away from home as she could get. 14 years later. At 18 years old, Elena would still look out the window of her room like she did when she was young. Elenas eyes drifted beyond the gilded valleys and rolling hills that acted as her own personal fence, and she saw lights and smoke from the neighboring villages. Although Elena had forgotten almost everything about her sister, she knew enough to feel like something was missing. Something she desperately wanted back. Beyond the hills was a little town called Happyville where Lilly and Wolfie arrived a little over 14 years ago. Lillys hand stroked his gray coat as they scattered to the outskirts of town and made home in an abandon shed that had once been used to store food. For a long time Lilly and Wolfie lived off of the food forgotten in the shed, and when they ran out, Wolfie would go hunt for something and bring it back for Lilly to cook. As they grew up together they became best friends. The only time Lilly and Wolfie rode into Happyville was when Lilly wanted books to read; to help past time, she would say when Wolfie rolled his eyes at her obsession. She would leave Lovely Library with loads of books carefully stacked upon one another, reading as she walked beside Wolfie to the shed. She read of faeries, witches, forbidden love, stolen kisses, and far away castles. Whenever she read about princes and princesses she got a weird feeling like behind the maids and pretty decorations was something evil. At the thought of evil, she looked down at her bracelet, suddenly self-conscious. She knew what her power could do and she knew she enjoyed the rush of adrenalin that accompanied someone else memories flowing into her- but she also recognized the evil in her power and vowed never to use it. Thankfully animals were immune, or else Wolfie would have left her just like everyone else. The Discovery AGATHA! Shouted Elena Oh what is it this time Elena? rumbled Agatha- the heavyset maid with quite the attitude. But Elena did have a soft spot for her. Agatha don’t be bitter. I just wanted to ask how you are! Elena retorted Oh sure you did, I’m fine thank you. Good, said Elena, “also can you please fetch me a scone? I knew there was a catch. Agatha was about to turn to go when she noticed that Miss Elena looked rather somber, staring out the window, one hand twisting the bead of her bracelet like she didnt even realize what she was doing. Are you quite alright Miss? She asked patiently Agatha how I feel is none of your business. She paused. But if you insist no I am not I am feeling quite nostalgic. Elena practically wined. For what my dear? Said Agatha, as she came up and placed a hand on Elenas shoulder. Well actually I dont know. I just feel like I miss something and I want it. There isnt much I want and dont have you know. Agatha laughed in agreement. Well I hope you find what you’re looking for Miss. Replied Agatha as she exited the room feeling guilty. Of course she knew that Elena didnt know of her sister, and the king asked her to keep it that way. But she couldnt help feel guilty; Elena was so cold and hard all the time without a companion. Before Agatha could stop herself she turned and said. Miss Elena did I ever tell you of your twin sister Lilly? Elena whipped around green eyes piercing. What of this? I do not have a sister you crazy old bat. Agatha persisted, Oh yes, you did, she was sent away quite a long time ago to go live in Happyville. I have family there, and I must say you look nothing alike. Fraternal twins are a funny thing are they not? Elena clenched her yellow dress, clearly caught off guard. And you never told me of her why? She hissed Well the king didnt think you were ready. You know my father is nothing but a brute. Take me to her at once. And so Agatha did, afraid of what would happen when the king discovered what she did, but more relived when she saw Elena smile a nervous-happy sort of rare smile. The Reunion Lilly and Wolfie walked toward town, bumping into each other while Lilly rattled off a few lame jokes. Lilly looked down at her bracelet and noticed a faint glow, startled; she pulled her green wool sweater down to cover it. Wolfie trudged ahead sweeping the fields in search of rabbits for stew tonight, while Lilly followed. Meanwhile, Elena and Agatha charged towards town on horseback. At first all Elena felt was vibration but as she got closer to Happyville she could feel the ground shake beneath her feet as if it were about to split open and take her under. Agatha threw worried glances at her suddenly worried about what she did. Even when Elena noticed her bracelet start to glow she only urged her horse to run faster. Lilly handed carrots and onions to the checkout woman at the farmers market while making small talk. Are you new around here? Said the woman wearily Oh no, I live a ways from the town center so I dont come around much, replied Lilly. Oh are you the young lady with a pet wolf? Said the sales lady, her eyes lighting up as if she just picked up the newest gossip to tell to her book club. Lilly left Wolfie outside of town for just this reason. Oh goodness no! Lilly lied, reaching to grab her bag. What a pretty bracelet you have. Does it always glow like that? Hurriedly, Lilly tried to get away. Her bracelet was glowing so bright it was almost blinding her, the beads emanating a heat so intense it burned. Lilly didnt even notice when her plastic bag melted into pieces, for when she turned around there was a crazed light on a horse rushing towards her. Elena could see a light, similar to the one her bracelet was producing burning in the distance. As she got closer she could see a girl with blond hair so long it brushed past her back holding a melted bag of vegetables and staring at her with swirling blue eyes. Elena stopped directly in front of her. Agatha quickly caught up and they both dismounted. The light and heat from their bracelets made everything around them too dark too see like they were in their own little world. Elena, for the first time in her life broke out a radiant smile. A smile brighter than any light these bracelets could make and breathed Sister, is it really you? Lilly could see now that it was not a light at all; it was a girl in a red gown about the same age as her with a bracelet wrapped around her wrist. And thats all it took. Memories washed over Elena like water over rocks. She has always taken memories but never had she been given back her own, it all was too much; the light, the memories, her sister, not having Wolfie with her. Its incredible that she managed to fall into her sisters arms, wrap her in an embrace and weep, Elena yes it me, its Lilly. I remember you. And with that touch of the two sisters, everything exploded. Building fell and sand swept away from them like the aftershock of a bomb, the farmer’s market clerk ran screaming with new gossip. Instantly Lilly pulled away from her sister. Not only did she remember her, but she knew why she was taken away. “Elena! Lilly yelled over the wind. “It’s our bracelets. We cant be near each other. Elena desperately tried to remove hers like she had attempted many times before but nothing worked. Instead she tried to put things together faster than they were falling apart. Using her telekinesis she lifted building pieces and pushed civilians out of harm’s way but her it was hopeless. “Lilly but I need you! Ive spent so much time without you not even knowing that it was you I missed. I cant just leave. You have to Eleanor; we’ll destroy the whole town of you come any closer. Rationed Lilly as rain started to pour from the sky as if the heavens were raging against them. Write to me okay I love you Elena. I love you so much. “With that Lilly spun and sprinted in the other direction towards her home. Elena fell to her knees, soaking her dress and weeping. Agatha lifted her onto the back of her horse and they slowly trotted back towards the castle, examining the destruction around them. The letter Dear Lilly, (this is only the beginning...ik short story my ass.) ~evilducks, pardon my language
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:11:06 +0000

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