okay, so i had an ultra boring weekend stuck in the crib... i mean - TopicsExpress


okay, so i had an ultra boring weekend stuck in the crib... i mean except for having to work saturday and sunday, looking like alvin from the chipmunks from my dental surgery, it was meh.. all i could do was lay back with my Leia and think.. this month has already been so trying... someone walked out of my life, just as quick as they walked in...then another personal issue with someone very close to me... now im being forced to consider my plans for the future, as far as work and home.. plus as much as i love doing my show, im just not getting the help i need to run it, so im considering what to do there... im not worried though... im an intelligent Leo, and this cat will always land on his feet... but this cliche of when it rains, it pours is so befitting my situation.. and yes, i let it get to me at first, but ive always been completely convinced and sure that my dreams and goals will always be achieved (even if they are not the dreams and goals set for me)... so i sit here, writing, with hopes that anyone going through tough times can read my words... you are not alone.. but you must believe in yourself, even if no one else does... you still must have faith in people and in love, because if you dont then youll be a simple automaton like the rest of them... dont give all your trust away, but remain a trusting person... be resilient, despite the storm you have to weather... we have no other choice... to live in sadness and emptiness is the same as being dead.. so live, love and keep trying...
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 16:34:48 +0000

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