oung Justice: Revolution Ep1-Trust Part2 by YJ-Revolution, May 4, - TopicsExpress


oung Justice: Revolution Ep1-Trust Part2 by YJ-Revolution, May 4, 2013, 9:19:48 PM Fan Art / Fan Fiction / General Fiction Watchtower, Earth’s Orbit August 4 3:45 PM EST “This is what I’ve been talking about all along! The Justice League is no better than the Reach!” The red haired man raised his arms dramatically with each exclamation. He gestured to the screen behind him. A blond girl was flying away from a scene of destruction. “This proves it! Aliens are running rampant. With that symbol it’s more than obvious the girl belongs to Superman. The last thing Earth needs is another alien. The Justice League think they can pull the curtains on the world, but not on G. Gordon Godfrey! Finally we have someone with sense in the United Nations. Lex Luthor! With our planet narrowly escaping annihilation at the hands of aliens, Luthor is moving for the UN to enact The Earth Reclamation Registration Act.” Godfrey stopped his pacing and placed his fists on his hips, his stance reading as confident and powerful. “Otherwise known as TERRA. A fitting name for the bill now being ratified by the Alien Oversight Committee, if I do say so myself. We’re taking back our planet for the humans that belong here!” Batman pressed pause on the remote, freezing the ranting man on the screen. “The UN is pressing for it again.” He commented, his voice as emotionless as usual. The rest of the league was gathered around the table. Black Canary was nodding from her seat next to him. “I don’t understand how they can do this. After everything the league has done for them. Especially J’onn and-” Her words were cut off by Superman storming through the door with Kara close behind him. “I couldn’t just sit there and watch! I had to help!” Kara had her arms crossed over her chest, a determined frown on her face. “I told you to stay at the fortress until I knew it was safe for you to be out in public. Now look what’s happened!” His responding shout was one more of fear than anger. “You can’t tell me what to do! I’m older than you Kal!” Kara retorted. “Last time I saw you, you couldn’t even sit up.” “Not anymore Kara-“ “Hey!” Black Canary had stood up and was glaring at the two. “We’ve got bigger problems now. Kara’s appearance has driven the UN to instate their alien registration act. That means everyone and everything, even members of the League and the Team. Which includes the two of you.” Kara and Superman glared at each other for another moment before relaxing simultaneously. “You should have told them about me.” Kara grumbled. “We’ll talk about it later.” Superman said regaining his composure. “Go wait at the zeta tubes for the others.” His tone said there would be no arguing. Kara let out an exasperated sigh and left the room grumbling to herself. “I think the Team is going to get tired of these secrets.” Batman said with a slight growl to his voice. “You’re one to talk.” Green Arrow didn’t miss the glare at his comment, but he ignored it any way, a small smile on his face. ~ Aqualad B02 Robin B20 Superboy B04 Wonder Girl B21 Kara looked up towards the zeta tubes excitedly. “You’re back!” She stopped her nervous pacing and turned towards them so fast she lifted off the ground and hovered a few feet above them. “How did it go? Everything okay? How’s Tim?” Conner sighed heavily at her rapid fire questions. “Not now Kara.” He grabbed her ankle pulling her back to the ground glancing over his shoulder as Cassie walked in behind him half supporting Tim. Kaldur was walking easily enough without support now. “I think now is the perfect time.” He commented looking from Conner to Kara. “It appears that this girl is only a mystery to the rest of us, as I assume the League is aware of her presence.” Conner just nodded in response. Kara’s mouth fell open. “You didn’t tell them about me?” She asked sadly. “We had good reasons.” Conner said looking away. “Good reasons or not, we know now. I would like to know the whole story.” Kaldur said turning to Kara. He just gestured for her to begin and she blinked rapidly at him. “There’s not much to tell really.” She began hesitantly. “I crashed in Smallville, Kansas three weeks ago. I guess my ship was looking for Kal’s. It took some damage so it took me longer to get here.” “Can I lie down now?” Robin suddenly asked from where he was drooping next to Cassie. “Dick was right about Parasite; I feel like falling down and never getting up.” Kara frowned, disheartened by the statement. All the stories she’d heard about Batman’s protégées had led her to believe they were nearly as invulnerable as she was. Despite that, Cassie was smiling and tightened her grip on him. As the two walked away, Kaldur cleared his throat. “There is much more to the story, I am sure.” Conner groaned exasperated now. “She’s been up at the Fortress. Superman has been training her so she won’t accidently kill anyone with her powers.” “That’s not fair! I’ve only had them a few weeks!” Kara exclaimed. “I think I’m doing pretty well. So does Kal!” Conner just growled again and walked away with heavy steps, leaving her alone with Kaldur. She sighed and looked down at her red boots not expecting to feel the weight of a hand on her shoulder. “He will come around. Conner is always like this when he meets someone new. Family is no exception.” Kaldur said offering a smile. Kara smiled back. “Thanks.” “Unless Superman has already given you a tour of the Watchtower, you are welcome to join me. The others should be checking in now.” He turned and started to walk down one of the tower’s many hallways. After a moment’s hesitation, Kara was following close behind him. “So…” Kara looked around, her blue eyes widening at the view from the windows. Stars were even more dazzling up close. Aqualad caught her expression from the corner of his eye. “The Watchtower is daunting to most people who see it.” He said with a slight nod. “You will learn your way around. Eventually.” Kara quickened her pace to walk next to him instead of behind him. “You’re in charge?” She asked curiously. “I have only recently been made the leader of the Team. About as long as you have been on this planet.” “Oh.” She bit her lip and looked away. “Still wondering about that?” “I cannot deny I am curious. You are from Krypton, and yet you look so young.” His eyebrow was raised slightly as he looked at her. “My ship took some damage when the planet exploded.” She crossed her arms, wrapping them around herself. “It took me… a long time to get here. Time passes differently at those speeds. At the time, Ka-Superman was just a baby. And I was this.” “Here.” Kaldur stopped and held out his arm gesturing to the room off the hall. “Ladies first.” Kara blinked at him then turned into the room. “Wow.” A slivery blue glow covered the room. Kaldur walked forward and pressed a few buttons on the console in the center of the room, bringing up a map of the world. “What’s this?” Kara asked blinking with amazement. “It is our communication center. I can contact the other members of the Team from here.” He cleared his throat. “Beta Squad, this is Watchtower, requesting a status update.” “Watchtower this is beta. Mission objectives successful.” “Well done beta.” Kaldur pressed another button and the map whirled to another location. “Gamma Squad this is Watchtower requesting a status update.” “What’s up Watchtower! Gamma squad’s all good.” Kaldur rolled his eyes and turned the map. “Where is this?” Kara asked moving closer. “South America.” Kaldur replied. “Alpha Squad is there.” Kara leaned back with a smile on her face. “This is so… cool.” “Welcome to the Team, Kara.”
Posted on: Sun, 06 Oct 2013 23:53:24 +0000

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