pathological satanic hatred for the people whos cry of blessed is - TopicsExpress


pathological satanic hatred for the people whos cry of blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord will bring back the Messiah. Do you see it? Jesus said He will not come until His people cry out blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. THIS is why the hatred and drive to destroy all israelites. the devils an IDIOT as he has been from the beginning. he really believes he can wipe out the jews to make prophecy fail. have you ever considered these verses? (Matthew 23:37-39) O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! {38} Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. {39} For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. You wonder why the hatred? the devil really thinks, he can stop the Lords return by making it impossible for prophecy to come to pass. first he murdered righteous abel (figuring then no savior could come.) He contaminated the WHOLE GENEPOOL so badly that God chose Noah who was perfect in his generation meaning his dna was not corrupted by fallen angel in the fledh dna, leading to the worldwide global flood (how would a LOCAL flood kill the nephilim ALL OVER THE WORLD, as we see the gods giants, monsters, etc, all over the world) then he tried by fear through abraham, to have sarah made unclean through being taken into harems twice. then he stirred sarahs mind to make the promise come to pass and to replace the line of promise through isaac, with ishmael. Isaac ALSO gave his wife over out of fear, but as with his mother, God protected her from being touched by the king. meanwhile he inspired the daughters of lot to start the incest created lines of amnon and moab (presently known as mostly palestinians). Through Mannaseh, an ancestor of Joseph, the son of hezekiah who was born AFTER hezekiah was supposed to have been dead 3 years before he was born, the bloodline of joseph was CURSED to not be allowed to rule (but joseph was the LEGAL HEIR to the throne, but for the curse. Jesus NOT BEING BY BLOOD related to joseph, but being his legal heir as his legal father, Jesus IS the rightful heir to the throne both through joseph, and through Marys line (do a little research). The devil thought KILLING the heir to the Kingdoms both physical and spiritual, by humiliating and torturing Jesus Christ before putting Him on the cross. (if he was as smart as he thinks he wouldnt have fallen right into his own trap and by his hatred of God facilitated the opening of the gospel to the gentiles and (as if he had a chance) guaranteed then ending will be just as God wrote. He actually embarrassed himself, and sealed his own fate when he murdered Jesus Christ. Today he can not stop the coming of the Messiah, so he is presenting his substitue antichrists, culminating in THE Antichrist (btw just because the antichrist hasnt YET stepped fully into the position, doesnt mean he isnt THE antichrist. Jesus was ALWAYS the MESSIAH, even while Mary was pregnant. He didnt step into the Messiah-ship until His baptism. SAME THING WITH THE ANTICHRIST. He has ALWAYS BEEN the man who the Bible makes clear, will do all that is written as THE antichrist, as opposed to all the antichrists who have been. this is WHY God makes it clear, of all the antichrists out there, THIS is the one who is THE antichrist. just as hitler wasnt always hitler the evil man we know today he was, barack hasnt done ALL he wills yet. hes obviously evil, TO THOSE WITH EYES TO SEE, but when he appears to defy death, ALL whos name are not written in the Lambs Book of Life, WILL accept him as god and worship him.) and trying to wipe out the people whos cry for HELP to their Lord ALWAYS brings Him to their rescue. And discrediting (and killing) the true church by filling the pews with goats and tares.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 20:49:25 +0000

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