When scientists try to connect the dots - TopicsExpress

   When scientists try to connect the dots of the evolutionary history of the plants and animals on this planet, that is literally what they do. They figuratively lay out in front of themselves all of the past and present known species and then try and connect them together in a complex branching sequence (cladogenesis); and the overall notion that guides them as to how to connect the dots is that evolution is a purposeless, gradual accumulation of some previous species. Gradual change within the biologic system does not explain the origin of species. The gradual change of a given species through a sequence of relatively small modifications is adaptation--horizontal evolution. The adaptation of an organism to other organisms and to the environment is possible because: 1) living matter has the potential of variability, as a product of both its design and the presence of life animation in that matter; and 2) all living matter is engaged by mind energy, which adds the potential of adaptability--organismal response to external influences. As the revelators repeatedly stress, new species do not result from the gradual accumulation of small variations (e.g see 58:6.3-4). All new species result form phase changes of the biologic system, and these natural phase changes are similar to the phase changes of all physical systems that are under the influence of some external forcing. The creation of most species is the progression of the system, not the adaptation of former species: it is true anagensis--vertical evolution. The prefix ana- means upward; true anagensis is saltation--sudden upward transformation. There are also limited cases of retrogression--catagenesis--for example, the renegade parasitic fungi (65:2.3) that resulted from the loosened constraints on our experimental world. -Chris Halvorson-
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:55:43 +0000

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