person who embodies these qualities of wisdom, courage and - TopicsExpress


person who embodies these qualities of wisdom, courage and compassion, who strives without cease for the happiness of others. it is no ones job to push you, that causes a break in your health and pushing in ways that are not natural is dangerous..and no ones job to judge your effort, unless they plan to support you through it, if you do not see someones effort you ask them. It is not your job to judge someones pain and we all do, but if you can alleviate it nurture it you understand the first statement, even by doing a simple kindness is so..or get angry if you must or pissed off at negativity. If you cannot support someone in there suffering dont make it worse or shame on you. if you have spent a lot of time manipulating others to claim something your not..shame on you. you can be self centered and want for yourself i do, but to truly want the happiness for others also in the kindnesss you do are also that..not every day you can as as much as you has too be built up you earn then you never lose it..and then you can go back to having a balanced life...i have met some in life who have taken advantage many..and also some who have been hard asses. being kind didnt just mean family members..small kindness you do for others..being a humane person..obviously intentional cruelty is not..and it does mean involving your self at times in the lives of others, giving them things, sharing with them and sometimes little more..if someone is ill and you mock them..shame on you. We all do these things, but if you plan to then make sure you support the people you do these things too before or after your insults. and we all insult at times. If you choose to profit from someones misfortune. Its sometimes said that all that matters is the contribution you make that is money as people see that and consider it a more valid show of success and achievement, but that is like living your whole life with your head up your ass, there lots of people with money and achievements and some of them are never happy, and they have problems too just like everyone one, and the ones who do not, i would be worried. Achievement is good but what of the method you got there, how has your wealth come about... If your not exposed to any suffering in life or hardship how can you appreciate the suffering of others or what they go through. So if you dont earn a lot, or make no money does that make your contributions less important? How you support others, what you do for others? Are those contributions less valid. Is looking good and more indicator of being a good person? If you look good for the right reasons, from feeling good for getting where you wanted without manipulate others.. Humans despise people who are happy, when there not and hate people when there negative at times.. Always being ungrateful. I always remember getting away with my level of arrogance when younger thinking someones contribution was less important, especially if i could not see it. Its more important that you are making a contribution. Most people wont know a lot about you or would rather not as they would rather make assumptions like we all do, rather than get to know, really spend time with you. Its the cowards way out really! It takes a long time to get to know someone. It always goes through my head what one person said to me that i what i was doing was not a benefit sometimes i remember it well.. I always look at that and frown.. because it was never big, what about the time and effort, the money spent and never wanted back. If anything is gained through taking advantage it will eventually be taken away.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:10:41 +0000

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