please post... Ok so I live with my in laws with my husband and - TopicsExpress


please post... Ok so I live with my in laws with my husband and LO. Honestly I cant stand. I know mot people cant stand their in laws but mine are a real piece of work. For one my MOL has said some very hurtful things to me but claims I am the evil one. She even went so far as to tell me she was glad I miscarried because I shouldnt be allowed to have children. Now I am a stay at home mom. In the time my LO has been with us I have stayed at home as well as gotta a college degree. All the while I did everything for my LO possible. I have never been abusive or neglectful but I do not deserve any more kids because some how I am the worst mother on the planet (according to her). I have warned her many time that if she does not stop with how she is towards me (in front of my LO) then she will be left out of my LOs life. Simple as if you show disrespect to me in front of my child I refuse to let you be around her teaching her to disrespect me. My MOL has told me saying this means I am using my child as a pawn which is not the case at all. My in laws seem to think nothing I say matters when it comes to my child and if I stand up for myself I might as well start running hell. I am that demonized for just defending my right as a parent. I feel as though my MOL is trying to take over the role of mother and I hate it. It comes to a point were now my LO is 4 and displaying behaviors that fit with my MOLs way of thinking. As in she ignores me, gets mouthy with me, and even has been nastiest towards me with hitting and biting me. I feel like my LO loves them more than me and all because they give into everything while I try to show my LO right from wrong. I mean when I was a kid if I broke a rule there was a punishment, whether I liked it or not I did the deed and I got the punishment. Now if I spank my child I am told I am beating her. If I yell I am hateful. Just anything to throw me under the bus they do any chance they get. Whether my daughter is in the room or not. Now I have started to realize that my BOL has been taking stuff out of my room without asking. He is the baby of the family and we have never been allowed to disagree with him because yelling doesnt work. This means that if I go to the store and buy a snack for me and bring it home if he says that he wants some oh correction he doesnt ask he will just come up and take some. I am not allowed to tell him no. He even once told me he is sick of hearing how certain stuff is mine and I wont share. Well thing is my money paid for it, its what I wanted to eat, and if he wanted some he should have gotten a job and paid for it him damn self. I am a mother of one not two and I refuse to feel obligated to a 21 year old bum. So about the stuff out of my room. Well I bought notebooks for my schoolwork and pens and come to find out my BOL came into my room and stole some of it. He isnt in school, has no need for them, and didnt ask once. I am just sick of dealing with all of them. I honestly am to the point where i may just snap and punch someone. Only problem is I can see that causing issues in my marriage. It already has with me telling my husband whats going on and now he thinks I just hate everyone in his family. Thats not the case I will say that I hate a few but after everything I have dealt with from them I think I am allowed. So how exactly do I go about getting more respect from them without being forceful about it. And how do I get my BOL to understand he is not a little boy anymore and not everything he wants is his for the taking? Rp BuRt
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 09:57:54 +0000

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