popular women’s Bible teacher Beth Moore founder of Living Word - TopicsExpress


popular women’s Bible teacher Beth Moore founder of Living Word Ministries. In part 1 I reported on Moore’s claim that she receives personal direct revelation from Almighty God. In other words, God tells her things. According to her, He calls her “baby” and “honey.” I’ll have more to share on this modern day prophetess in a moment. Belief invites the power of God to flow: God wields incomparably great power for those who choose to believe. Read it again! Incomparably great power! More than enough to break the yoke of bondage. Our belief unclogs the pipe and invites the power to flow (Praying God’s Word: Breaking Free from Spiritual Strongholds, by Beth Moore, p. 37) Response: We hold the key to unleashing God by belief? Really? Is there any Scripture for this? On the contrary, Gods great sovereignty and power are not dependent upon sinful people. Instead, God works all things after the counsel of his will (Ephesians 1:11; Acts 2:23; 4:28). Beth Moore promotes contemplative prayer: A true lover of God once spoke about practicing Gods presence. To me thats such a part of contemplative prayer. That we are able to absorb the reality that as we commune with God through prayer that he is with us that his spirit for those of us who are in Christ fills us that we are drawn near to him that our souls find rest in him. (youtube/watch?v=4sPMPmOEV0c). In this video she was praising Brother Lawrence, an apostate Roman Catholic Monk. Response: Contemplative prayer is a dangerous practice that has been creeping into the church via Roman Catholicism. It is a form of eastern mysticism that has been packaged in Christian terminology. In brief, it is a way of trying to commune with God by emptying ones mind, focusing on a word or phrase, and practicing the presence of the divine through inner, silent contemplation (i.e., contemplative prayer). In this practice, people are instructed to quietly sit--contemplating on a special word or phrase that is supposed to help you focus on the presence of God. The idea is to not think but to experience God and to remain silent, without thinking, as you seek Gods presence. What this does is induce an altered state of consciousness. It is dangerous. Rom. 12:2 says, . . . be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. The Bible tells us to renew our mind--not empty it. God Shows Beth Moore A Vision Of The Church: I see God doing something huge in the body of Christ. I do not know why I have had the privilege to get to travel around and see one church after another, one group of believers after another, interdenominationally all over this country but I have gotten to see something that I think is huge. And Ill also suggest to you that I am not the only one. And tonight I am gonna do my absolute best to illustrate to you something that God showed me sitting out on the back porch. He put a picture Ive explained to you before Im a very visual person. So he speaks to me very often in putting a picture in my head and it was as if I was raised up, looking down on a community as I saw the church in that particular dimension. Certainly not all dimensions, not even many, but in what we will discuss tonight the church as Jesus sees it in a particular dimension. (youtube/watch?v=rVkJiYEyRwc&feature=relmfu) Response: The problem here is that Moore is equating the picture in her mind with Scripture. In other words, she talks about getting an impression, a kind of vision, and there is absolutely no mention of whether or not this vision is biblical. She seems to view personal revelation as being equal in importance and authority as the word of God. Whispers in the heart as revelation from God apparently are equal to Scripture: As we study we may see several examples of Him [Christ] posing a question that only He could answer. Christ certainly uses that teaching method with me. Sometimes He’ll cause me to dig through Scripture for a question He seemed to initiate. Other times the question may come as a personalized whisper in my heart: Beth, why are you acting that way? Often my answer is I don’t know, Lord! Can you tell me why? If I really search His heart, sooner or later He’ll give me insight into my reactions, (Jesus, the One and Only, by Beth Moore, B & H Publishing Group, Nashville, Tenn., 2002, p. 47). Response: There is no mention of the superiority of Scripture over the whisper in her heart. All sensations, all insights, all whispers in the heart should be checked against Scripture. Mrs. Moore should always be pointing people to the word and telling them to submit all experiences to it. She fails to do this here, and in her negligence encourages others to look to feelings and experiences over the word of God. This can only lead to error. Beth Moore gets revelation knowledge direction from God: What God began to say to me about five years ago and Im telling you it is in me on such a treck with him that my head is still whirling over it. He began to say to me, Im gonna say something right now, Beth. And boy you write this one down. And you say it as often as I give you utterance to say it. My bride is paralyzed by unbelief. My bride is paralyzed by unbelief. And he said, Starting with you. Amen. Because we can do a lot of finger-pointing around here about why were revival is not happening here and there. Let me tell you something revival will always happen with faith. youtube/watch?v=DOlCicOQygE
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:57:23 +0000

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