MacTaggarts - Downtown Madison, WI Posts - TopicsExpress


Posts by MacTaggarts - Downtown Madison, WI

Have a fun Saturday! Todays WOTD is : iconoclast \
Have a fun Saturday! Todays WOTD is : iconoclast \ ahy-KON-uh-klast \ noun; 1. a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions as foolish...
Have a great Saturday, where ever you are! Todays WOTD is :
Have a great Saturday, where ever you are! Todays WOTD is : truculent \ TRUCK-yuh-luhnt \ , adjective; 1.Fierce; savage; ferocious; barbar...
Happy Tuesday!!! Todays WOTD is : prosopography \
Happy Tuesday!!! Todays WOTD is : prosopography \ pros-uh-POG-ruh-fee \ , noun; 1.A description of a persons appearance, career, personality, ...
Have a great Tuesday! Todays WOTD is : galumph \ guh-LUHM(P)F
Have a great Tuesday! Todays WOTD is : galumph \ guh-LUHM(P)F \ intransitive verb; 1. To move in a clumsy manner or with a heavy tread. Origin...
Happy Friday!!! Todays WOTD is : anacoluthon \
Happy Friday!!! Todays WOTD is : anacoluthon \ an-uh-kuh-LOO-thon \ noun; 1. A construction involving a break in grammatical sequence, as It mak...
WE ARE OPENING AT 7AM TODAY!! GO BADGERS!!! Todays WOTD is : nyctophobia \ nik-tuh-FOH-bee-uh \ noun; 1. An abnormal fear of night or darkness....
Have a great Wednesday! Todays WOTD is : acephalous \
Have a great Wednesday! Todays WOTD is : acephalous \ ey-SEF-uh-luhs \ adjective; 1. Without a leader or ruler. 2. Also, acephalic Zoology . hea...
Have a great Thursday! Todays WOTD is : juju \ JOO-joo \
Have a great Thursday! Todays WOTD is : juju \ JOO-joo \ noun; 1. An object superstitiously believed to embody magical powers. 2. The power asso...
Enjoy your Thursday! Todays WOTD is : avoirdupois \
Enjoy your Thursday! Todays WOTD is : avoirdupois \ av-uhr-duh-POIZ; AV-uhr-duh-poiz \ noun; 1. Avoirdupois weight, a system of weights based on ...
Enjoy your Tuesday! Todays WOTD is : avuncular \
Enjoy your Tuesday! Todays WOTD is : avuncular \ uh-VUHNG-kyuh-luhr \ adjective; 1. Of or pertaining to an uncle. 2. Resembling an uncle, especia...

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