previously on broken trust. episode 32 “Shawn sir!!” - TopicsExpress


previously on broken trust. episode 32 “Shawn sir!!” Sergeant marcus stood at attention,stamping his foot on the floor and raising his right hand to his forehead. ” Here is the first suspect you ordered me to bring sir!!” “Good, very Good” the scary looking AIG commended, sliqhtly hittinq his table with one hand. “Young woman, do you know why you were brought here?” The AIG asked. “No sir,am really lost and confused sir” i replied him shakily and uncertain. “What do you know about the death of a certain boy called Kaycee?” The scary looking officer asked, fixing a strange gaze at me which almost made me run mad. I turned around,scanning the faces of everybody present in the room. They seemed all too serious and was expecting my response. “I swear to Gawd sir,i know nothing of it sir.” i replied him with while he stared at me cold eyes. “Young woman, our inside mouths tell us that you visited him the eve of that night before he was poisoned,how true is that?” he asked. I was about speaking out when his telephone rang,he turned and picked it up as he answered it, squeezinq and tighting his face as the veins on his face plunged out,speaking almost inaudible words to his caller. We all waited for him to finish his call and when he was through,he stood up. “Detective Dipo, this case is in your hands now!,i need you to execute it without fear or favour,do you understand me” “Yes sir,very clearly sir!” Detective Dipo replied him,standing up to his feet in attention. The AIG left his office and was followed by Kaycee’s parents. “Sergeant Marcus!” “Sir!” “Take her to the interrogation room immediately” “Yes sir!” I was gestured and led by sergeant Marcus to the interrogation while Detective Dipo trailed us from behind. I was glad at least, i was still yet to undergo any torture,at least not yet,or so i thought. ‘Who is going to vindicate me from this mess’ i thought to myself as i was led to the interrogation room. I knew within me that it would only take Gawd’s grace and an understanding and intelligent detective to help unravel this case,otherwise,i was doomed. I knew that whether i confessed the truth or not,i miqht,just might still be convicted for something i knew not of.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 14:21:57 +0000

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