prime ministers visit exhibits war intent & an insult to - TopicsExpress


prime ministers visit exhibits war intent & an insult to kashmiries injuries:Shabir Ahmed Dar Muslim conference chair man & Hurriyat Conference Jammu Kashmir leader Shabir Ahmed Dar termed the Indian prime ministers visit on Diwali to meet armed forces at Siachen as the continuity of a deep rooted conspiracy & well devised policy nursed by saffron forces nursed for last seventy years to realize the dream of Akhand Bharat.. the Indian media was doing propaganda about the visit as it was being aimed at showing solidarity with the victims of flood fury recently & to exhibit its cosmetic measures & so called love for kashmiries . Narenderbhai Modi by spending time at Siachen instead of visiting flood relief camps made his intentions clear & proved the Indian media wrong who were leaving no stone unturned to show it as a humanitarian gesture . the relief package announced adding insult to the injuries rather than making an impact as this is so small that it can not rehabilitate even a mohalla fotget Kashmir,it is not sufficient to repair thousands of damaged houses. These visits are of political nature aimed at wining the trust of kashmiries which is never ever possible.Shabir Ahmed also supported Hartal call given by Hurriyat conference (JK). The freedom struggle of Kashmir will not accept any short cut formula but complete freedom for which it has been started ,& for this india must accept that the only way to resolve disputes is dialogue not war rhetoric as is being perceived by Kashmiries & Pakistanis. Though the dialogue is the only option to resolve all outstanding issues but it has to be Kashmir centric aimed at resolving Kashmir dispute as per the wishes & aspirations of kashmiri people.india is using terror methods like killing innocent people, Outraging the modesty of women, blasting & burning the houses aiming at creating fear in the minds of locals so that they distance themselves from freedom movement but this will remain a dream unfulfilled for them.muslim conference appeals to people to remain away from any thing which will weaken freedom movement such as election.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:40:04 +0000

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