pure artifical intelligence: coding: using - TopicsExpress


pure artifical intelligence: coding: using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Speech.Recognition; using System.Speech.Synthesis; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Web; namespace JARVIS_PROJECT { public partial class Form2 : Form { SpeechRecognitionEngine _recognizer = new SpeechRecognitionEngine(); SpeechSynthesizer JARVIS = new SpeechSynthesizer(); string Temperature; string Condition; string Humidity; string WindSpeed; string Town; string TFCond; string TFHigh; string TFLow; string BrowseDirectory; string QEvent; string ProcWindow; double timer = 10; int count = 1; Random rnd = new Random(); public Form2() { InitializeComponent(); _recognizer.SetInputToDefaultAudioDevice(); _recognizer.LoadGrammar(new DictationGrammar()); _recognizer.LoadGrammar(new Grammar(new GrammarBuilder(new Choices(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(@C:\Users\user\Documents\A.L.E.X.\Commands.txt))))); _recognizer.SpeechRecognized += new EventHandler(_recognizer_SpeechRecognized); _recognizer.RecognizeAsync(RecognizeMode.Multiple); } enum RecycleFlags : uint { SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION = 0x00000001, SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI = 0x00000001, SHERB_NOSOUND = 0x00000004 } [DllImport(Shell32.dll, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] static extern uint SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr hwnd, string pszRootPath, RecycleFlags dwFlags); private void StopWindow() { System.Diagnostics.Process[] procs = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName(ProcWindow); foreach (System.Diagnostics.Process proc in procs) { proc.CloseMainWindow(); } } private void ComputerTermination() { switch (QEvent) { case shutdown: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(shutdown, -s); break; case logoff: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(shutdown, -l); break; case restart: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(shutdown, -r); break; } } private void GetWeather() { string query = String.Format(weather.yahooapis/forecastrss?w=12807773); XmlDocument wData = new XmlDocument(); wData.Load(query); XmlNamespaceManager manager = new XmlNamespaceManager(wData.NameTable); manager.AddNamespace(yweather, xml.weather.yahoo/ns/rss/1.0); XmlNode channel = wData.SelectSingleNode(rss).SelectSingleNode(channel); XmlNodeList nodes = wData.SelectNodes(/rss/channel/item/yweather:forecast, manager); Temperature = channel.SelectSingleNode(item).SelectSingleNode(yweather:condition, manager).Attributes[temp].Value; Condition = channel.SelectSingleNode(item).SelectSingleNode(yweather:condition, manager).Attributes[text].Value; Humidity = channel.SelectSingleNode(yweather:atmosphere, manager).Attributes[humidity].Value; WindSpeed = channel.SelectSingleNode(yweather:wind, manager).Attributes[speed].Value; Town = channel.SelectSingleNode(yweather:location, manager).Attributes[city].Value; TFCond = channel.SelectSingleNode(item, manager).SelectSingleNode(yweather:forecast, manager).Attributes[text].Value; TFHigh = channel.SelectSingleNode(item, manager).SelectSingleNode(yweather:forecast, manager).Attributes[high].Value; TFLow = channel.SelectSingleNode(item, manager).SelectSingleNode(yweather:forecast, manager).Attributes[low].Value; } void _recognizer_SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e) { int ranNum = rnd.Next(1, 10); string speech = e.Result.Text; switch (speech) { //DATE,DAY,TIME,WEATHER case Hows the weather: GetWeather(); JARVIS.Speak(The weather in + Town + is + Condition + at + Temperature + degrees. There is a wind speed of + WindSpeed + miles per hour and humidity of + Humidity); break; case Whats tomorrows forecast: GetWeather(); JARVIS.Speak(It looks like tomorrow will be + TFCond + with the high of + TFHigh + and a low of + TFLow); break; case What time is it: case Whats the time: case What time it is: DateTime now = DateTime.Now; string time = now.GetDateTimeFormats(t)[0]; JARVIS.Speak(time); break; case What day is it: JARVIS.Speak(DateTime.Today.ToString(dddd)); break; case Whats the date: case Whats todays date: JARVIS.Speak(DateTime.Today.ToString(dd-MM-yyyy)); break; //MAXIMIZE AND MINIMIZE case Out of the way: case Move: case Minimize: JARVIS.Speak(I apologize sir); WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; break; case Go back: case Come back: case Return: JARVIS.Speak(Right away sir!); WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; break; // UTILITY case Chrome: JARVIS.Speak(Right away sir!); Process.Start(@C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe); break; case Firefox: JARVIS.Speak(Little less favourite, but still usable sir!); Process.Start(@C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe); break; case Facebook: JARVIS.Speak(What a dumb choice, but here you go! ); Process.Start(@facebook); break; case Youtube: case Music: JARVIS.Speak(We could use some music sir! Dont get too excited!); Process.Start(@youtube); break; case Wikipedia: case Wiki: JARVIS.Speak(Finally something smart sir!); Process.Start(@wikipedia); break; case Check my mail: JARVIS.Speak(Checking your mail sir); Process.Start(@gmail); break; case Check mail: JARVIS.Speak(Checking your mail sir); Process.Start(@outlook); break; // GREETINGS case Hello: case Hello Alex: JARVIS.Speak(Hello sir!); break; case Goodbye: case Goodbye Alex: case Farewell: JARVIS.Speak(Until next time sir!); Application.Exit(); break; // Alex case Alex: if (ranNum < 6) { JARVIS.Speak(Hello sir); } else if (ranNum > 5) { JARVIS.Speak(Hi); } break; case A: if (ranNum < 6) { JARVIS.Speak(Yo sir!); } else if (ranNum > 5) { JARVIS.Speak(Welcome back sir!); } break; case Wake up: if (ranNum < 6) { JARVIS.Speak(Im up sir! What can I do for you!); } else if (ranNum > 5) { JARVIS.Speak(Im here sir!); } break; case Wake up daddys home: if (ranNum < 6) { JARVIS.Speak(How lovely to see you again sir); } else if (ranNum > 5) { JARVIS.Speak(Hello sir! What can I do for yo today); } break; case Thanks: JARVIS.Speak(Youre welcome sir!); break; case Thank you: JARVIS.Speak(Dont mention it sir! Ill always be here!); break; // EMPTY RECYCLE BIN case Empty Recycle Bin: if (ranNum < 6) { JARVIS.Speak(Right away sir!); } else if (ranNum > 5) { JARVIS.Speak(As you wish sir!); } uint result = SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr.Zero, null, 0); break; // SHUTDOWN RESTART LOGOFF case Jarvis log off: new Login().Show(); this.Hide(); break; case Shutdown: if (ShutdownTimer.Enabled == false) { QEvent = Shutdown; JARVIS.Speak(I will shutdown shortly); lblTimer.Visible = true; ShutdownTimer.Enabled = true; } break; case Log off: if (ShutdownTimer.Enabled == false) { QEvent = Logoff; JARVIS.Speak(Logging off); lblTimer.Visible = true; ShutdownTimer.Enabled = true; } break; case Restart: if (ShutdownTimer.Enabled == false) { QEvent = Restart; JARVIS.Speak(Ill be back shortly); lblTimer.Visible = true; ShutdownTimer.Enabled = true; } break; case Abort: case Cancel: if (ShutdownTimer.Enabled == true) { QEvent = Abort; QEvent = Cancel; } break; case Speed up: if (ShutdownTimer.Enabled == true) { ShutdownTimer.Interval = ShutdownTimer.Interval / 10; } break; case Slow down: if (ShutdownTimer.Enabled == true) { ShutdownTimer.Interval = ShutdownTimer.Interval * 10; } break; // LOAD DIRECTORY case load music: QEvent = music; JARVIS.Speak(In a mood for some music. Excelent); BrowseDirectory = @C:\Users\user\Music\; LoadDirectory(); listBox1.Visible = true; break; case load pictures: QEvent = pictures; JARVIS.Speak(Right away sir); BrowseDirectory = @C:\Users\user\Pictures\; LoadDirectory(); listBox1.Visible = true; break; case load videos: QEvent = videos; JARVIS.Speak(Enjoy sir!); BrowseDirectory = @C:\Users\user\Videos\; LoadDirectory(); listBox1.Visible = true; break; case browse: FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); if (fbd.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) { BrowseDirectory = fbd.SelectedPath; } QEvent = load directory; LoadDirectory(); listBox1.Visible = true; break; // MUSIC AND MANY OTHERS case Play some music: JARVIS.Speak(Do you want to choose between genre or band); break; case Genre: JARVIS.Speak(Im in a mood for some music too. Choose genre: rock, hip-hop, rap, rnb etc.); break; case Band: JARVIS.Speak(Choose a band sir! You have: Bullet For My Valentine; Nickleback; Three Days Grace and many other, but I believe those three are your favourite); break; case Bullet For My Valentine: QEvent = bulletformyvalentine; JARVIS.Speak(You sure!); break; case Nickelback: QEvent = nickelback; JARVIS.Speak(Are you sure); break; case Three Days Grace: QEvent = threedaysgrace; JARVIS.Speak(Speak Yes and we will go); break; case Black Veil Brides: QEvent = bvb; JARVIS.Speak(Are you positive sir!); break; case Hip-Hop: QEvent = HipHop; JARVIS.Speak(Are you sure you want hip-hop music sir!); break; case Rock: QEvent = Rock; JARVIS.Speak(Are you sure you want rock. Feeling in a little destruction mood are we. Very well sir, if you like so will I); break; case Rap: QEvent = Rap; JARVIS.Speak(Do you really want rap sir!); break; case RnB: QEvent = RnB; JARVIS.Speak(You sure sir!); break; case Metal: QEvent = Metal; JARVIS.Speak(Are you sure sir!); break; case Yes: case OK: case Alright: if (QEvent == Hip-Hop) { Process.Start(@youtu.be/PZca3ZZEptI); } else if (QEvent == Rock) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=ioFMHbkntVU&feature=share&list=PL39BF36EE68E9FE01); } else if (QEvent == Rap) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=uelHwf8o7_U&list=PLE0D603BE945F8E59); } else if (QEvent == RnB) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=dGghkjpNCQ8&feature=share&list=PL3770D578D4B71793); } else if (QEvent == Metal) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=CEb3GQqdHD4&feature=share&list=PLAA46E0AFDFABFC7D); } else if (QEvent == bulletformyvalentine) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=ioFMHbkntVU&feature=share&list=PL39BF36EE68E9FE01); } else if (QEvent == nickelback) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=1cQh1ccqu8M&feature=share&list=PLAC97E191247EA0BA); } else if (QEvent == threedaysgrace) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=vDTK9Rrg03w&feature=share&list=PL0A6A2F0BED1B2312); } else if (QEvent == bvb) { Process.Start(@youtube/watch?v=CEb3GQqdHD4&feature=share&list=PLAA46E0AFDFABFC7D); } break; } } private void procedure() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } private void ShutdownTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (timer == 0) { lblTimer.Visible = false; ComputerTermination(); ShutdownTimer.Enabled = false; } else if (QEvent == Abort || QEvent == Cancel) { timer = 10; lblTimer.Visible = false; ShutdownTimer.Enabled = false; } else { timer = timer - .01; lblTimer.Text = timer.ToString(); } } private void LoadDirectory() { listBox1.Items.Clear(); switch (QEvent) { case music: string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(BrowseDirectory, *.mp3, SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { listBox1.Items.Add(file.Replace(BrowseDirectory, )); } break; case pictures: files = Directory.GetFiles(BrowseDirectory, *, SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { listBox1.Items.Add(file.Replace(BrowseDirectory, )); } break; case videos: files = Directory.GetFiles(BrowseDirectory, *, SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { listBox1.Items.Add(file.Replace(BrowseDirectory, )); } break; case browse: files = Directory.GetFiles(BrowseDirectory, *, SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { listBox1.Items.Add(file.Replace(BrowseDirectory, )); } break; } } private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Object open = BrowseDirectory + listBox1.SelectedItem; try { Process.Start(open.ToString()); } catch { open = BrowseDirectory + \\ + listBox1.SelectedItem; Process.Start(open.ToString()); } } Enjoy.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:00:33 +0000

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