reading this pos editorial in the gazette makes me wonder how much - TopicsExpress


reading this pos editorial in the gazette makes me wonder how much of this talk about quebec getting a free lunch, being entitled, and having deep structural problems is just ideological bs/received wisdom. ive been hearing it p much all my life, seems almost universally accepted... but, like, where is this coming from? the economist quoted in this piece (Claude Montmarquette) is a UChicago PhD who also thinks we should privatize hydro-quebec... couillard now promising “austerity and growth.” just look at how well that worked in europe & the uk, or since the last pq budget for that matter. gazette are glad that he has a majority mandate to push through unpopular reforms, but there wasnt a viable political party in the last election /not/ running on an austerity platform. im open to the idea that money is spent inefficiently (and obviously money spent paying interest on debts is money that could be spent on social programs), but these arguments dont even seem to be coming from a welfare efficiency perspective; the tone is all paternalistic neoliberal scolding. would be cool if we could hear some progressive/left voices on provinces finances rather than old rw dudes and, like, the Fraser Institute
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 19:13:24 +0000

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