reports of carefully timed, strategically coordinated, soft-power - TopicsExpress


reports of carefully timed, strategically coordinated, soft-power moves from the neo-con think-tank, Foreign Policy institute, the recent domestic media lauded resignation of American former Russia Today anchorwoman Liz Wahl, and, quoting writers Max Blumenthal and Rania Khalek, at the center of the intrigue [...] a young neoconservative writer and activist who helped craft Wahl’s strategy and exploit her resignation to propel the agenda of a powerful pro-war lobby in Washington, all abound in the featured article. This article speaks to another mentioned within it that was written by Max Blumenthal and Rania Khalek mentionable (see featured article) James Kirchick, and sourced by The Daily Beast. In it Liz Wahl evocatively calls upon the memory of last years French intervention into Mali, recalling the retelling of events by a Malian man that showcased a sense of relief had by Malians with regard to the French mission into their nation, pulling on the heartstrings of the reader. She then tells of RT censorship with regards to a decision not to report her coverage as she makes mention that it goes against their narrative which portrays every Western military intervention as an act of imperialism; however, the ideology that ties her to her Daily Beast contact Kirchick, the Foreign Policy institute staffer manning its twitter account, and the think-tank itself is the same ideology that created the men behind AQIM, Al-Qaeda in the Maghrib (Mali). It was neo-con ideology, carried out by Western intelligence agencies, that created Al-Qaeda, and it is the same ideology that employs it and its umbrella-network of affiliates as our, Europes, and Israels ruling classes private army operating via proxies that provide and mask secretly funneled money (i.e. Pakistan, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia), all while being supported by NATO militarily, to fight in nations like Afghanistan, Libya, and now Mali. So ultimately, what we have here is a woman, made sensation via Brzezinski-esque soft power techniques that entail the use of magnetic, or in this case magnetized, personalities as coordinators of the American public via the manipulation of emotion, being put before us by a sensationalist media so as to revive the ghosts of the cold war on behalf of her red scare neo-con war-hawk puppet-masters. Essentially, an international coterie of men, sycophants hiding in shadow of secret councils, use war as a tool to instill in the world citizenry a sense of fear, to allow for their goal, for certain minority population-densities to be reduced, to be accomplished a lot quicker then big pharm and military, university, and corporate colluded bio-engineered viruses and pollutants would be able to, and to, among other things, perpetuate a nauseatingly redundant relational behavior pattern of co-dependency with regard to the ruling class of a, respectively, former imperial power and its former colony, strengthening a sort of yoke fashioned upon economic subservience regarding the latter, and the subsequent weakness of its defense infrastructure, requiring it to seek protection from the said former imperial power. This skewed power-dynamic allows the former imperial power to concoct pretext to invoke the right to protect when there interests are threatened, interests often being a word used to mask violent disapproval regarding sour trade dealings or a break in the chain of command with regard to its former colony asserting itself politically. Sadly, the right to protect often hides a former imperial powers perceived right to use force to fulfill its voracious appetite for resources. Humanitarianism is never the real reason a nation like Frances ruling class, or even our nations, would seek to intervene in a crisis like Mali. For proof, I offer Frances Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian s own words in brevity, sourced below, with regard to his nations desire to make further military incursion into Mali. We have to protect ourselves [...] . Jean-Yves, I do believe your idea of protection is mere rhetoric, empty and made hollow by your nations interest in gaining a foot-hold in Malis untapped resources. It is the nation of gold and uranium after all, two elements prized for the power that they can offer. Additionally, Areej Elahi-Siddiqui for PolicyMic astutely writes that uranium [..] is of utmost importance to France. After the oil shock in 1973 when the oil producing countries increased the price of oil, the French found an alternative route – nuclear energy. Since then, France has built 59 nuclear reactors which generate almost 80% of the country’s electricity. With free energy technology currently being globally suppressed, the sustainability of nations like France and the US will continue to be advanced through the use of force and veiled motives to grab the resources of the global south. To play on the strifes that war inflicts upon its victims while concealing a lust for said victims natural resources (or, in the case of Ukraine, its strategic geo-political position in relation to its bordering a pivotal region of the globe) is a foul play used a lot in scheme of a militant-capitalism so as to ensure world dominance. Russia Today, and any news agency for that matter, has a right to be objective and to report on the use of such foul play with regard to any interventionist initiative that occurs in the world, yet in the mainstream halls of American media objectivity is something dismissed often in favor of pre-packaged propaganda. Wahl comparing French incursions into Mali to Russia protecting its ethnic people from the threat of a increased violence from Ukraines neo-nazi Svoboda and Right Sector usurpers, housed in former Russian territory is mute (Crimea was a part of Russia until 1954), especially when one can easily research and look into the Wests influence, artificially tipping the scales in their favor via engineered revolution, as most recently witnessed in Syria and Libya, to the effect of much blood being shed. Patterns exemplified by Western interventionisms half-baked miltary r2p incursions are just one half of a forced momentum created to perpetuate war. The other half of said forced momentum being the false-flags waved by Western think-tanks, administrations, and intelligence agencies in the form of a handcrafted militant Islamic insurgence, the two create nothing more than a circulation of chaos that further empowers the ruling class of the global north, induces fear, and maintains the cacophonies of wars drum as played by a complicit mainstream media that distracts the public from truths that if embraced could pave way for substantial concessions to be made towards the admission of peaceful solutions with regard to the pain, strife, corruption and poverty that surrounds many a global issue. Sources: thedailybeast/articles/2014/03/05/exclusive-rt-today-anchor-liz-wahl-explains-why-she-quit.html theguardian/world/2014/mar/11/mali-jihadists-return-after-france-mission policymic/articles/25769/mali-conflict-france-doing-more-harm-than-good-for-african-country themilitant/2012/7607/
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:26:56 +0000

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