#repost How To Be An MLM Survivor 1. Understand the Law of - TopicsExpress


#repost How To Be An MLM Survivor 1. Understand the Law of Attraction. Attraction is not a choice. People naturally follow leaders. People dont join your business, they join YOU. Are you an Alpha, Pre-Alpha, or a Beta? And who decides which category you fit into? The answer may surprise you. 2. Provide value to others and they will seek you out. Can you teach them how to advertise and generate MLM marketing leads? Education is key. Never stop adding value to what you know, and share it with others. 3. Plan a successful marketing system for your team. Learn to be an MLM lead generator. You dont sell products, your marketing system does. Find one that works, use it, and share it. 4. Become a professional by learning the skills necessary to succeed in your MLM opportunity. Its not inherited, you have to learn, develop, and polish these skills. 5. Learn what Just another day at the office means and how to avoid the highs and lows that come with success and failure. This is one of the keys to persistence. 6. Take responsibility for it all - your failures as well as your successes. Your failures are NOT someone elses fault. If you think they are, you might as well stop reading now. 7. Learn how to solve other peoples problems, and you just won the key to success. Market solutions. 8. Not everyone is cut out for marketing. Know who to market to - and who not to. Its not a list of your friends and family. You are looking for those that have the same skill sets that you have. Only present yourself to those kinds of people. 9. Learn to serve others without want. If you give to others freely, you will always have what you need and more. 10. Build relationships with others, and position yourself as a leader in your niche so that others will obey the law of attraction. 11. There are lots of MLM opportunities out there. Make sure to evaluate them carefully, and the rest depends on YOU. Www.swabeteamaces
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 01:58:07 +0000

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