rgj...If regulated- at all? Is he nuts?...So, no regulation of - TopicsExpress


rgj...If regulated- at all? Is he nuts?...So, no regulation of the 4 company monopoly of Internet access for 330 million Americans would be better for innovation by the big 4? Their strangle-hold is innovative and he favors innovation? These free-market Goldilocks industrial-economy titans want to innovate? He seems to want the ability to stifle innovation of 330 million Americans they see as passive consumers (sheep to sheer & discard) rather than valuable & powerful Customers able to vote with their money- who might figure out how to compete with them & innovate all 4 of these industrial giants right out of business. I have little doubt he is a disrupter (thats a good thing) and an innovator...who likes his companys ability to pick winners & losers and discriminate as they wish...FCC could rewrite the rules, relying on section 706 of the Telecommunications Act, or simply reclassify internet providers as common carriers under a different provision of the act, Title II. President Obama announced his support for the latter option—a move that would mean telecoms could not charge big bandwidth users extra for “internet fast lanes,” nor block or “throttle” (i.e. slow) certain content....rgj Overnight, Legere launched a Marc Andreessen-style tweetstorm, outlining his position on net neutrality, the concept that all traffic on the internet should be treated equally. The tweets were in response to questioning from The Verge. In case you missed it, US president Barack Obama yesterday called on the country’s Federal Communications Commission to change the way it regulates broadband services, in a move that has been supported by advocates of an open internet but has predictably drawn outrage from Obama’s political opponents..... ....The FCC has mandated equal treatment of data since 2010, but in January its rules were overthrown in a court challenge by Verizon, a major telecom player. The court’s decision effectively suggested that the FCC could rewrite the rules, relying on section 706 of the Telecommunications Act, or simply reclassify internet providers as common carriers under a different provision of the act, Title II. President Obama announced his support for the latter option—a move that would mean telecoms could not charge big bandwidth users extra for “internet fast lanes,” nor block or “throttle” (i.e. slow) certain content. Meanwhile, despite his persona as the ultimate telecom disrupter and his positioning of T-Mobile as the “un-carrier,” Legere, like the rest of the industry, prefers section 706....Title II is heavy regulation and Section 706 is lighter. He justifies that stance by saying it is in the interests of innovation....I favor the 706 version, if regulated, because... did I mention how much I love innovation?! But that doesn’t really wash with concerns among net neutrality advocates, who say that relying on section 706 could allow internet service providers to discriminate against certain content providers (say, those that don’t buy fast lanes, or that offer competing content services to the ISPs’ own services) and undermine the open web. The Verge described Legere’s position as “”classic regulatory doublespeak… There’s really nothing ‘uncarrier’ about it.” Legere certainly is the most exciting CEO in his sector, since… probably ever. But this is a reminder that he’s still first and foremost the CEO of a telecommunications company, and maybe not the champion of consumers he so often is made out to be.:
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:13:56 +0000

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