rgj...Thank you President Obama for showing the world how a nation - TopicsExpress


rgj...Thank you President Obama for showing the world how a nation of Laws actually works. Thank you for reminding us the Law is important. Your discretion to interpret law is not a luxury, it is how all Executive enforcement works from the beat cop to your job, but our checks and balances prevent the idea of Vlada or the Russian word Vlast, explained in full below, from replacing the American Rule of Law rather than the Rule of Man. The United States still struggles to live under the Rule of Law; the previous administration felt so constrained by Law they had to break the law to enforce it- holding prisoners without charges for over a decade, torturing prisoners never given a trial or charges- but to this day many of the American people believe those detained must be guilty of horrendous crimes that no one will ever know about, and many of our countrymen and women are hateful about those guilty people held in secret prisons around the world.. To be clear, The Rule Of Law is the widespread belief among the people and governing agencies that the bulk of people and government agencies will abide faithfully by the Law. Unlike #Ukraine and #Russia, the Rule of Law is not a codeword for obeying the whims of whatever strongman happens to have seized control of a government or a government agency that does what they want and calls it THE LAW....Please note this excerpt from an anthropological blog on police and law enforcement taught at major universities worldwide as a required course for those who study Criminology...rgj Vlada is a central concept here. As Caroline Humphrey (2002, 28) comments on the concept of vlast’ (the Russian counterpart of Ukrainian vlada): ‘According to [the idea of vlast], the socio-political order is brought about by the exercise of centralized and personified power, not by law, the observance of principles, or the existence of civil society.’As historically notions of the state in Russia and Ukraine had similar connotations to those of vlast’/vlada , the cultural concepts of the state in the region encode ‘from the beginning the reification of political entities in which a central personification of power creates order’(2002, 28). Such interpretations of police violence… developed in the framework of… cultural ideas about what forces constitute the socio-political order Vlada is thus the sole realm from which decisions about governance come. Personified as Yanukovych, ‘his people’in the Cabinet and the Parliament, and the oligarchs whose interests they supposedly represent, and often referred to simply as vony (‘they’), vlada is thought to be non-transparent, corrupt, and beyond the law, for the force of law comes not from its being a modus operandi of the state, but an instrument applied by vlada. anthropoliteia.net/2014/04/15/police-violence-and-ideas-of-the-state-in-ukrainian-euromaidan/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AnthropoliteiaTheAnthropologyOfPolicing+%28Anthropoliteia%3A+the+anthropology+of+policing%29
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:26:50 +0000

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