round up of what feels like the busiest weeks of my life to date - TopicsExpress


round up of what feels like the busiest weeks of my life to date *deep breath* - Summer Ball was awesome, thanks so much to the SU for arranging it and for the free drink! very happy bunny. got a lift home with the bouncer, weird. - well done and a pleasure to work with all those in a view from the bridge! loved every minute and the crucible you were incredible too. well done to all of showings week - we raised £250 bloody pounds at our fundraiser party for the edinburgh fringe! thank you so much to all who came, it was an amazing night! 4 weeks to go, scary times - Richard the third for a tenner was incredible thank you ben powell and i cannot believe i got to talk to Martin Freeman! - Smooth move into the new house with my new roomies, enough room to swing 7 cats and counting - Thanks to all the twyfordians for a quality year and for leaving so much food in your kitchens ;) going to miss living in that place and with all of you so much - Amazing night back with the Colchestrians last night! - Cannot believe my first year of GSA is over, thanks to everyone for making me feel so welcome and for the countless good times so far! And minor injuries . . . thanks most to those new incredibly talented friends I’ve made that I’m sure will be for life and those old ones who remain so special to me. Good bye and good luck to all the third year, foundations and Mas. For the last time of first year *second deep breath* This term I have been: a fox, a 6 year old, a collection of ridiculous faces, a longshoremen, a 60 year old Italian American butcher, an immigration officer, a ballerino, a ballroom dancer, tango dancer, Aladdin, nicely Johnson, Curly McClane, a god parent, an awards host, a sailor, a love sick manc, iachimo, a swords man, a knife fighter, a drunk, a homeless man, a homophobic Pasteur from America, a paper man, an elastic man, a plastic bag man, a plastecine man, a white rabbit, a masseuse and honorary back clicker, priest, an expert in gibberish at a school reunion amongst so many other things I cant even remember. First year, its been a blast and gone way to fast. bring on round two! A year till my first public performance? Whaaaa? (to those of you who could be bothered read this whole thing, I’m not sure if I’ve gained or lost respect for you. But I love you all the same and appreciate the interest. Sleep time.)
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 22:33:33 +0000

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