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s2.r29static/bin/entry/67d/x,80/1330948/embb.jpg Refinery29 Photo: Courtesy of Vahram Muratyan. How many times have you ever looked at a photo of yourself from the 90s and thought: Where the hell was I going with that hairstyle?! Its that reaction which Vahram Muratyan, author of Paris versus New York, explores in a section of his latest book, About Time. Its about time, if you couldnt guess, and exactly how we measure it. The goal was to describe my generation through this angle of milestones and breaking news alerts, Muratyan says. For Muratyan, hair played a role alongside those milestones. I love to observe how fashion cycles work, whos behind a style revival, who or what defines a decade, he says. Hindsight tends to remember only the positive aspects of the good ol days. With the help of art references, TV-series — especially period dramas like Mad Men or Downtown Abbey — sometimes fake nostalgia is created. That is fascinating to me. So, Muratyan created two separate illustrations — one for dudes and one for gals. The guys styles range from an afro to a full-on bro beard to todays hipster pompadour. Ladies, on the other hand, get the Kate Moss grunge hair, Diana Ross volume, and a short, cropped bob. In choosing his styles, Muratyan opted to leave four years between each look to show how fast we get tired of something. And, its true. The differences between some of these styles is insane, and it just shows how quickly our idea of whats cool can change. Im not pretending that everyone had the same looks back then — or today — but there are defining personas, he says. So, basically, that bad haircut you thought you had in 97 actually speaks to what was happening at the time. Congrats — your mane is part of the zeitgeist. Click through to see the hilarious (and super amazing) illustrations.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 16:21:44 +0000

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