screw u john tory : John Tory is an avowed centrist. What that - TopicsExpress


screw u john tory : John Tory is an avowed centrist. What that means is he doesnt want to alienate any voters and he is on board with the status quo of ever increasing government spending, higher taxes and further state intrusion into your life. Ever proud to tout his privileged upbringing and close ties with the business elite Tory offers nothing but the same disastrous policies advocated for by all respectable politicians. His agenda is simply that of politically expediency and scratching the back of the wealthy cronies who are funding his campaign and expect to reap wonderful dividends for their gamble. Promoting activist government that caters to every whim of the constituency, no matter how expensive or unnecessary it is clear that the limited government movement has no ally in this man; perhaps the only solace we can find in his insipid candidacy is that he is unlikely to find more success in Toronto politics than he found in his unsuccessful bid for premier (or even the Ontario legislature). Tory cynically manipulates the public by citing the very real issue of unemployment (despite the fact that city hall and the mayor have very little control over this issue) but when he had an opportunity to do something about it, when he was the head of the PC and could have advocated for removals of barriers to entry and the minimum wage, he didnt because he chose what he thought would be popular over sound economic policy. Or more likely because he and his inner circle are economically ignorant. Either way politicians who campaign on problems that they contribute to sicken. Yes, unemployment, and youth unemployment in particular, is a very serious problem but we need to combat it intelligently by eliminating the minimum wage, by getting rid of the restrictions on apprenticeship and by working to remove barriers to entry in the labour market not exploit this very painful reality in order to scare up some votes. Shame on John Tory and his cynical manipulation of the public, shame.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:12:52 +0000

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